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Hi! I'm a sample user, anyone can log in as me (my password is phoneme, 'cause I like memes).

Community Corpus

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This is a corpus which is editable by anyone in the LingSync community. Anyone can add comments to data, import data, experiment and help suggestions for other community members.

records indexed

Search Results: morphemes:nay OR gloss:des

Showing 50 of 57 results, you can click on any of the items to see more details to further refine your search.



I feel like working.



I feel like combing



I feel like going.

Qan-ta qapari-nay-kunki
you-ACC yell-DES-refl.2SG


Qanta qaparinaykunki
You feel like yelling at yourself.

punqo-ta allcha-nay-wa-n
door-ACC fix-DES-1OM-3SG


punqota allchanaywan
I feel like fixing the door.

Noqa-ta yapaman-ta llank'a-nay-wa-n
I-ACC again work-DES-1OM-3SG


Noqata yapamanta llank'anaywan
I feel like working again.



I feel like vomiting



I feel like going down.



I feel like dying.



I feel like entering.



I feel like staying.

chew coca-DES-1OM-3SG


I feel like chewing coca.

Noqa-ta qapari-nay-kuni
I-ACC yell-DES-refl.1SG


Noqata qaparinaykuni.
I feel like yelling at myself.

Rupha-nay-wa-n t'anta-ta
burn-DES-1OB bread-ACC


Ruphanaywan t'antata
I feel like burning the bread.



I feel like yawning.



I feel like living.



I feel like going out.



I feel like forgetting.



I feel like dressing myself.

Qan-ta qan-kuna paqari-nay-kunkichis
you-ACC you-PL-NOM yell-DES-refl.2PL


Qanta Qankuna paqarinaykunkichis
You feel like yelling at you all.

Noqa-ta qan qapari-nay-wanki
me-ACC you-NOM yell-DES-2SG.1OM


Noqata qan qaparinaywanki.
I feel like yelling at you.

Qan-ta pay qapari-nay-sunki
you-ACC he-NOM yell-DES-3SG.2PLOM


Qanta pay qaparinaysunki.
You feel like yelling at him.

Noqa-ta pisi-lla-ta tusu-nay-wa-n
I-ACC little dance-DES-1OM-3SG


Noqata pisillata tusunaywan
I feel like dancing a lot.

Qaynap'unchaw lloqsi-nay-wa-ra-n khunan p'unchaw(paq)
Yesterday go.out-DES-1OM-3SG now day.for


Qaynap'unchaw lloqsinaywaran khunan p'unchaw*(paq)
Yesterday, I felt like going out for today.

Wesq'a-nay-wa-n (punqo-ta)
close-DES-1OM-3SG door-ACC


Wesq'anaywan (punqota)
I feel like closing the door.

Pay-ta suwa-nay-wa-ra-n chei obeje-ta
he-ACC steal-DES-1ob.pst.3SG that sheep-ACC


Payta suwanaywaran chei obejeta
He feels like stealing that sheep

Manan noqa-ta llank'a-nay-wa-n-chu
no I-ACC work-DES-1OM-3SG.not


Manan noqata llank'anaywanchu
I don't feel like working. I feel like not working.

p'aki-nay-wa-n punqo-ta
break-DES-1OM-3SG door-ACC


p'akinaywan punqota
I feel like breaking the door.

Noqa-ta qan-ta qapari-nay-wanki
me-ACC you-ACC yell-DES-2SG.1SGOM


Noqata qanta qaparinaywanki.
I feel like yelling at you.

Qan-ta erqe qapari-nay-sunkichis
you-ACC child-NOM yell-DES-3PL.2PLOM


Qanta erqe qaparinaysunkichis
You feel like yelling at the child.

Qan-ta noqa-yku paqari-nay-kiku
you-ACC me-PL.ex. yell-DES-1PL.ex.2SGOM


Qanta noqayku paqarinaykiku
You feel like yelling at us

Noqa-ta ancha-ta tusu-nay-wa-n
I-ACC alot dance-DES-1OM-3SG


Noqata anchata tusunaywan
I feel like dancing a lot.

Victor-ta noqa-ta qapari-nay-wa-ni
Victor-ACC me-ACC yell-DES-??


Victorta noqata qaparinaywani
I feel like yelling at Victor

Noqa-ta-wan qan-ta-wan qapri-nay-wanchis
me-ACC.with you-ACC.with yell-DES-3SG.1PL.inclOM


Noqatawan qantawan qaprinaywanchis.
We feel like yelling at each other.

Noqa-ta pis-illa ancha-ta tusu-nay-wa-n
I-ACC little alot dance-DES-1OM-3SG


Noqata pisilla anchata tusunaywan
I kinda feel like dancing a lot.' *`I really feel like dancing a little.



It feels like its going to rain.

you-ACC me-ACC yell-DES-1SG.2SGOM


Qanta noqata qaparinayayki.
You feel like yelling at me.



I feel like coming.



I feel like getting happy.



I feel like coughing.

Qaynap'unchaw lloqsi-nay-wa-ra-n
Yesterday go.out-DES-1OM-3SG


Qaynap'unchaw lloqsinaywaran
Yesterday, I felt like going out.



tengo ganas de lavar el cabello

Noqa-ta pay qapari-nay-wan
me-ACC he.hOM yell-DES-3SG.1SGOM


Noqata pay qaparinaywan.
I feel like yelling at him.

Erqe qan-kuna qapari-nay-wankichis
child you-PL yell-DES-3SG.2PLOM


Erqe qankuna qaparinaywankichis
You guys feel like yelling at the child.

Kicha-nay-wa-n punqo-ta
open-DES-1OM-3SG door-ACC


Kichanaywan punqota
I feel like opening the door.

Yuyapi noqa-ta punyu-nay-wa-n
intensionally I-ACC sleep-DES-1OM-3SG


Yuyapi noqata punyunaywan.
I feel like sleeping on purpose.

Juanpa much'a-sqa-mi ka-nay-wa-n
Juan.gen kiss.pass.? be-DES-1OM-3SG


Juanpa much'asqami kanaywan.
I feel like being kissed by Juan.

Suwa-nay-ki Josefina


Suwanayki Josefina

Erqe-kuna-ta noqa-yku qapari-nay-wanku
child-PL-ACC 1PL.ex yell-DES-3PL.1PLexOM


Erqekunata noqayku qaparinaywanku.
We feel like yelling at the children.

Manan yuyaypi-chu noqa-ta punyu-nay-wa-n
no intentionally.not I-ACC sleep-DES-1OM-3SG


Manan yuyaypichu noqata punyunaywan.
I don't feel like falling asleep on purpose.

  "docIds": [
  "pouchname": "lingllama-communitycorpus",
  "dbname": "lingllama-communitycorpus",
  "datumIds": [
  "fieldDBtype": "DataList",
  "version": "v5.26.21",
  "title": "Search Results: morphemes:nay OR gloss:des",
  "id": "morphemes_nay_or_gloss_des",
  "docs": [
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "Use this field to establish your team's gramaticality/acceptablity judgements (*,#,? etc)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Judgement",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "Use this as Line 1 in your examples for handouts (ie, either Orthography, or phonemic/phonetic representation)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Utterance",
          "mask": "Llank'anaywan",
          "encryptedValue": "Llank'anaywan",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "Llank'anaywan",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "This line is used to determine the morpheme segmentation to generate glosses, it also optionally can show up in your LaTeXed examples if you choose to show morpheme segmentation in addtion ot line 1, gloss and translation.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "mask": "Llank'a-nay-wa-n",
          "encryptedValue": "Llank'a-nay-wa-n",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "Llank'a-nay-wa-n",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "highlighted": [
          "label": "morphemes",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "This line appears in the gloss line of your LaTeXed examples, we reccomend Leipzig conventions (. for fusional morphemes, - for morpehem boundaries etc) The system uses this line to partially help you in glossing.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "mask": "work-DES-1OM-3SG",
          "encryptedValue": "work-DES-1OM-3SG",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "work-DES-1OM-3SG",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "highlighted": [
          "label": "gloss",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "Use this as your primary translation. It does not need to be English, simply a language your team is comfortable with. If your consultant often gives you multiple languages for translation you can also add addtional translations in the customized fields. For example, your Quechua informants use Spanish for translations, then you can make all Translations in Spanish, and add an additional field for English if you want to generate a handout containing the datum.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "mask": "I feel like working.",
          "encryptedValue": "I feel like working.",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "I feel like working.",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation"
      "validationStatus": "CheckedWithSeberina",
      "igtCache": {
        "tuples": [
            "utterance": "Llank'anaywan",
            "morphemes": "Llank'a-nay-wa-n",
            "gloss": "work-DES-1OM-3SG"
        "parallelText": {
          "utterance": "Llank'anaywan",
          "translation": "I feel like working."
      "maxScore": 10.979033000000001,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "goal": "This data was collected by ME Cathcart for her dissertation \"Impulsatives: The syntax and semantics of involuntary desire\" for more of her data:",
      "comments": [
          "fieldDBtype": "Comment",
          "username": "quotecleaningbot",
          "text": "Hi\nJust a quick note to say that I automatically cleaned this datum. \n\nChanges:\n *  quote encoding problems `I feel like working.’ -> I feel like working.\n *  quote encoding problems Llank’a-nay-wa-n -> Llank'a-nay-wa-n\n *  quote encoding problems Llank’anaywan -> Llank'anaywan\n\nExplanation: I was asked by lingllama to come by and standardize quotes today. According to his corpus' convention, we don't need quotes in the translation field.",
          "timestamp": 1389642361863,
          "dateCreated": 1389642361863,
          "version": "v5.26.21"
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [
            "help": "You can use this field to be as precise as you would like about the dialect of this session.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Dialect",
            "mask": "Cusco Quechua",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Cusco Quechua",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dialect",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dialect"
            "help": "This is the langauge (or language family) if you would like to use it.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Language",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "language",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "language"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session took place.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateElicited",
            "mask": "Summer 2010",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Summer 2010",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateElicited",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateElicited"
            "help": "Put your team's data entry conventions here (if any)...",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "User",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "user",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "user"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session was entered.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateSEntered",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateSEntered",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateSEntered"
        "dateCreated": 1714651802761,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "consultants": "Lucia, Ricardo, Seberina",
      "tags": "Verbal Restrictions Unergative",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "89bc4d7dcc2b1fc9a7bb0f4f4748356b"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "Use this field to establish your team's gramaticality/acceptablity judgements (*,#,? etc)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Judgement",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "Use this as Line 1 in your examples for handouts (ie, either Orthography, or phonemic/phonetic representation)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Utterance",
          "mask": "Nayach'anaywan",
          "encryptedValue": "Nayach'anaywan",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "Nayach'anaywan",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "This line is used to determine the morpheme segmentation to generate glosses, it also optionally can show up in your LaTeXed examples if you choose to show morpheme segmentation in addtion ot line 1, gloss and translation.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "mask": "Nayach'a-nay-wa-n",
          "encryptedValue": "Nayach'a-nay-wa-n",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "Nayach'a-nay-wa-n",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "highlighted": [
          "label": "morphemes",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "This line appears in the gloss line of your LaTeXed examples, we reccomend Leipzig conventions (. for fusional morphemes, - for morpehem boundaries etc) The system uses this line to partially help you in glossing.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "mask": "cOMb-DES-1OM-3SG",
          "encryptedValue": "cOMb-DES-1OM-3SG",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "cOMb-DES-1OM-3SG",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "highlighted": [
          "label": "gloss",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "Use this as your primary translation. It does not need to be English, simply a language your team is comfortable with. If your consultant often gives you multiple languages for translation you can also add addtional translations in the customized fields. For example, your Quechua informants use Spanish for translations, then you can make all Translations in Spanish, and add an additional field for English if you want to generate a handout containing the datum.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "mask": "I feel like combing",
          "encryptedValue": "I feel like combing",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "I feel like combing",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation"
      "validationStatus": "CheckedWithSeberina",
      "igtCache": {
        "tuples": [
            "utterance": "Nayach'anaywan",
            "morphemes": "Nayach'a-nay-wa-n",
            "gloss": "cOMb-DES-1OM-3SG"
        "parallelText": {
          "utterance": "Nayach'anaywan",
          "translation": "I feel like combing"
      "maxScore": 10.979033000000001,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "goal": "This data was collected by ME Cathcart for her dissertation \"Impulsatives: The syntax and semantics of involuntary desire\" for more of her data:",
      "comments": [
          "fieldDBtype": "Comment",
          "username": "quotecleaningbot",
          "text": "Hi\nJust a quick note to say that I automatically cleaned this datum. \n\nChanges:\n *  quote encoding problems `I feel like cOMbing’ -> I feel like combing\n *  quote encoding problems Nayach’a-nay-wa-n -> Nayach'a-nay-wa-n\n *  quote encoding problems Nayach’anaywan -> Nayach'anaywan\n\nExplanation: I was asked by lingllama to come by and standardize quotes today. According to his corpus' convention, we don't need quotes in the translation field.",
          "timestamp": 1389642361833,
          "dateCreated": 1389642361833,
          "version": "v5.26.21"
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [
            "help": "You can use this field to be as precise as you would like about the dialect of this session.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Dialect",
            "mask": "Cusco Quechua",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Cusco Quechua",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dialect",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dialect"
            "help": "This is the langauge (or language family) if you would like to use it.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Language",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "language",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "language"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session took place.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateElicited",
            "mask": "Summer 2010",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Summer 2010",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateElicited",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateElicited"
            "help": "Put your team's data entry conventions here (if any)...",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "User",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "user",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "user"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session was entered.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateSEntered",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateSEntered",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateSEntered"
        "dateCreated": 1714651802763,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "consultants": "Lucia, Ricardo, Seberina",
      "tags": "Verbal Restrictions Reflexive",
      "notesFromOldDB": "no ku",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "89bc4d7dcc2b1fc9a7bb0f4f4747cb0b"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "Use this field to establish your team's gramaticality/acceptablity judgements (*,#,? etc)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Judgement",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "Use this as Line 1 in your examples for handouts (ie, either Orthography, or phonemic/phonetic representation)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Utterance",
          "mask": "Rinaywan",
          "encryptedValue": "Rinaywan",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "Rinaywan",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "This line is used to determine the morpheme segmentation to generate glosses, it also optionally can show up in your LaTeXed examples if you choose to show morpheme segmentation in addtion ot line 1, gloss and translation.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "mask": "Ri-nay-wa-n",
          "encryptedValue": "Ri-nay-wa-n",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "Ri-nay-wa-n",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "highlighted": [
          "label": "morphemes",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "This line appears in the gloss line of your LaTeXed examples, we reccomend Leipzig conventions (. for fusional morphemes, - for morpehem boundaries etc) The system uses this line to partially help you in glossing.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "mask": "go-DES-1OM-3SG",
          "encryptedValue": "go-DES-1OM-3SG",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "go-DES-1OM-3SG",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "highlighted": [
          "label": "gloss",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "Use this as your primary translation. It does not need to be English, simply a language your team is comfortable with. If your consultant often gives you multiple languages for translation you can also add addtional translations in the customized fields. For example, your Quechua informants use Spanish for translations, then you can make all Translations in Spanish, and add an additional field for English if you want to generate a handout containing the datum.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "mask": "I feel like going.",
          "encryptedValue": "I feel like going.",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "I feel like going.",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation"
      "validationStatus": "CheckedWithRicardo",
      "igtCache": {
        "tuples": [
            "utterance": "Rinaywan",
            "morphemes": "Ri-nay-wa-n",
            "gloss": "go-DES-1OM-3SG"
        "parallelText": {
          "utterance": "Rinaywan",
          "translation": "I feel like going."
      "maxScore": 10.979033000000001,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "goal": "This data was collected by ME Cathcart for her dissertation \"Impulsatives: The syntax and semantics of involuntary desire\" for more of her data:",
      "comments": [
          "fieldDBtype": "Comment",
          "username": "quotecleaningbot",
          "text": "Hi\nJust a quick note to say that I automatically cleaned this datum. \n\nChanges:\n *  quote encoding problems `I feel like going.' -> I feel like going.\n\nExplanation: I was asked by lingllama to come by and standardize quotes today. According to his corpus' convention, we don't need quotes in the translation field.",
          "timestamp": 1389642361730,
          "dateCreated": 1389642361730,
          "version": "v5.26.21"
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [
            "help": "You can use this field to be as precise as you would like about the dialect of this session.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Dialect",
            "mask": "Cusco Quechua",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Cusco Quechua",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dialect",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dialect"
            "help": "This is the langauge (or language family) if you would like to use it.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Language",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "language",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "language"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session took place.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateElicited",
            "mask": "Summer 2010",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Summer 2010",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateElicited",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateElicited"
            "help": "Put your team's data entry conventions here (if any)...",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "User",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "user",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "user"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session was entered.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateSEntered",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateSEntered",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateSEntered"
        "dateCreated": 1714651802766,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "consultants": "Lucia, Ricardo, Seberina",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "89bc4d7dcc2b1fc9a7bb0f4f4745f420"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "Use this field to establish your team's gramaticality/acceptablity judgements (*,#,? etc)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Judgement",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "Use this as Line 1 in your examples for handouts (ie, either Orthography, or phonemic/phonetic representation)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Utterance",
          "mask": "Qanta qaparinaykunki",
          "encryptedValue": "Qanta qaparinaykunki",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "Qanta qaparinaykunki",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "This line is used to determine the morpheme segmentation to generate glosses, it also optionally can show up in your LaTeXed examples if you choose to show morpheme segmentation in addtion ot line 1, gloss and translation.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "mask": "Qan-ta qapari-nay-kunki",
          "encryptedValue": "Qan-ta qapari-nay-kunki",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "Qan-ta qapari-nay-kunki",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "highlighted": [
            "Qan-ta qapari-<em>nay</em>-kunki"
          "label": "morphemes",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "This line appears in the gloss line of your LaTeXed examples, we reccomend Leipzig conventions (. for fusional morphemes, - for morpehem boundaries etc) The system uses this line to partially help you in glossing.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "mask": "you-ACC yell-DES-refl.2SG",
          "encryptedValue": "you-ACC yell-DES-refl.2SG",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "you-ACC yell-DES-refl.2SG",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "highlighted": [
            "you-ACC yell-<em>DES</em>-refl.2SG"
          "label": "gloss",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "Use this as your primary translation. It does not need to be English, simply a language your team is comfortable with. If your consultant often gives you multiple languages for translation you can also add addtional translations in the customized fields. For example, your Quechua informants use Spanish for translations, then you can make all Translations in Spanish, and add an additional field for English if you want to generate a handout containing the datum.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "mask": "You feel like yelling at yourself.",
          "encryptedValue": "You feel like yelling at yourself.",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "You feel like yelling at yourself.",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation"
      "validationStatus": "CheckedWithRicardo",
      "igtCache": {
        "tuples": [
            "utterance": "Qanta",
            "morphemes": "Qan-ta",
            "gloss": "you-ACC"
            "utterance": "qaparinaykunki",
            "morphemes": "qapari-nay-kunki",
            "gloss": "yell-DES-refl.2SG"
        "parallelText": {
          "utterance": "Qanta qaparinaykunki",
          "translation": "You feel like yelling at yourself."
      "maxScore": 10.979033000000001,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "goal": "This data was collected by ME Cathcart for her dissertation \"Impulsatives: The syntax and semantics of involuntary desire\" for more of her data:",
      "comments": [
          "fieldDBtype": "Comment",
          "username": "quotecleaningbot",
          "text": "Hi\nJust a quick note to say that I automatically cleaned this datum. \n\nChanges:\n *  quote encoding problems `You feel like yelling at yourself.’ -> You feel like yelling at yourself.\n\nExplanation: I was asked by lingllama to come by and standardize quotes today. According to his corpus' convention, we don't need quotes in the translation field.",
          "timestamp": 1389642361896,
          "dateCreated": 1389642361896,
          "version": "v5.26.21"
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [
            "help": "You can use this field to be as precise as you would like about the dialect of this session.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Dialect",
            "mask": "Cusco Quechua",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Cusco Quechua",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dialect",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dialect"
            "help": "This is the langauge (or language family) if you would like to use it.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Language",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "language",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "language"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session took place.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateElicited",
            "mask": "Summer 2010",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Summer 2010",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateElicited",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateElicited"
            "help": "Put your team's data entry conventions here (if any)...",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "User",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "user",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "user"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session was entered.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateSEntered",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateSEntered",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateSEntered"
        "dateCreated": 1714651802769,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "consultants": "Lucia, Ricardo, Seberina",
      "tags": "Impulsative Person Agreement Reflexive",
      "notesFromOldDB": "Ricardo said this was very natural, yet he rejected the first person reciprocal",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "89bc4d7dcc2b1fc9a7bb0f4f47492c11"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "Use this field to establish your team's gramaticality/acceptablity judgements (*,#,? etc)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Judgement",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "Use this as Line 1 in your examples for handouts (ie, either Orthography, or phonemic/phonetic representation)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Utterance",
          "mask": "punqota allchanaywan",
          "encryptedValue": "punqota allchanaywan",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "punqota allchanaywan",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "This line is used to determine the morpheme segmentation to generate glosses, it also optionally can show up in your LaTeXed examples if you choose to show morpheme segmentation in addtion ot line 1, gloss and translation.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "mask": "punqo-ta allcha-nay-wa-n",
          "encryptedValue": "punqo-ta allcha-nay-wa-n",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "punqo-ta allcha-nay-wa-n",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "highlighted": [
            "punqo-ta allcha-<em>nay</em>-wa-n"
          "label": "morphemes",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "This line appears in the gloss line of your LaTeXed examples, we reccomend Leipzig conventions (. for fusional morphemes, - for morpehem boundaries etc) The system uses this line to partially help you in glossing.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "mask": "door-ACC fix-DES-1OM-3SG",
          "encryptedValue": "door-ACC fix-DES-1OM-3SG",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "door-ACC fix-DES-1OM-3SG",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "highlighted": [
            "door-ACC fix-<em>DES</em>-1OM-3SG"
          "label": "gloss",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "Use this as your primary translation. It does not need to be English, simply a language your team is comfortable with. If your consultant often gives you multiple languages for translation you can also add addtional translations in the customized fields. For example, your Quechua informants use Spanish for translations, then you can make all Translations in Spanish, and add an additional field for English if you want to generate a handout containing the datum.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "mask": "I feel like fixing the door.",
          "encryptedValue": "I feel like fixing the door.",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "I feel like fixing the door.",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation"
      "validationStatus": "CheckedWithSeberina",
      "igtCache": {
        "tuples": [
            "utterance": "punqota",
            "morphemes": "punqo-ta",
            "gloss": "door-ACC"
            "utterance": "allchanaywan",
            "morphemes": "allcha-nay-wa-n",
            "gloss": "fix-DES-1OM-3SG"
        "parallelText": {
          "utterance": "punqota allchanaywan",
          "translation": "I feel like fixing the door."
      "maxScore": 10.979033000000001,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "goal": "This data was collected by ME Cathcart for her dissertation \"Impulsatives: The syntax and semantics of involuntary desire\" for more of her data:",
      "comments": [
          "fieldDBtype": "Comment",
          "username": "quotecleaningbot",
          "text": "Hi\nJust a quick note to say that I automatically cleaned this datum. \n\nChanges:\n *  quote encoding problems `I feel like fixing the door.’ -> I feel like fixing the door.\n\nExplanation: I was asked by lingllama to come by and standardize quotes today. According to his corpus' convention, we don't need quotes in the translation field.",
          "timestamp": 1389642361865,
          "dateCreated": 1389642361865,
          "version": "v5.26.21"
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [
            "help": "You can use this field to be as precise as you would like about the dialect of this session.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Dialect",
            "mask": "Cusco Quechua",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Cusco Quechua",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dialect",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dialect"
            "help": "This is the langauge (or language family) if you would like to use it.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Language",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "language",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "language"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session took place.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateElicited",
            "mask": "Summer 2010",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Summer 2010",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateElicited",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateElicited"
            "help": "Put your team's data entry conventions here (if any)...",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "User",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "user",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "user"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session was entered.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateSEntered",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateSEntered",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateSEntered"
        "dateCreated": 1714651802771,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "consultants": "Lucia, Ricardo, Seberina",
      "tags": "verbal restrictions resultative",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "89bc4d7dcc2b1fc9a7bb0f4f474823a6"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "Use this field to establish your team's gramaticality/acceptablity judgements (*,#,? etc)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Judgement",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "Use this as Line 1 in your examples for handouts (ie, either Orthography, or phonemic/phonetic representation)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Utterance",
          "mask": "Noqata yapamanta llank'anaywan",
          "encryptedValue": "Noqata yapamanta llank'anaywan",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "Noqata yapamanta llank'anaywan",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "This line is used to determine the morpheme segmentation to generate glosses, it also optionally can show up in your LaTeXed examples if you choose to show morpheme segmentation in addtion ot line 1, gloss and translation.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "mask": "Noqa-ta yapaman-ta llank'a-nay-wa-n",
          "encryptedValue": "Noqa-ta yapaman-ta llank'a-nay-wa-n",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "Noqa-ta yapaman-ta llank'a-nay-wa-n",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "highlighted": [
            "Noqa-ta yapaman-ta llank'a-<em>nay</em>-wa-n"
          "label": "morphemes",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "This line appears in the gloss line of your LaTeXed examples, we reccomend Leipzig conventions (. for fusional morphemes, - for morpehem boundaries etc) The system uses this line to partially help you in glossing.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "mask": "I-ACC again work-DES-1OM-3SG",
          "encryptedValue": "I-ACC again work-DES-1OM-3SG",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "I-ACC again work-DES-1OM-3SG",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "highlighted": [
            "I-ACC again work-<em>DES</em>-1OM-3SG"
          "label": "gloss",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "Use this as your primary translation. It does not need to be English, simply a language your team is comfortable with. If your consultant often gives you multiple languages for translation you can also add addtional translations in the customized fields. For example, your Quechua informants use Spanish for translations, then you can make all Translations in Spanish, and add an additional field for English if you want to generate a handout containing the datum.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "mask": "I feel like working again.",
          "encryptedValue": "I feel like working again.",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "I feel like working again.",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation"
      "validationStatus": "CheckedWithRicardo",
      "igtCache": {
        "tuples": [
            "utterance": "Noqata",
            "morphemes": "Noqa-ta",
            "gloss": "I-ACC"
            "utterance": "yapamanta",
            "morphemes": "yapaman-ta",
            "gloss": "again"
            "utterance": "llank'anaywan",
            "morphemes": "llank'a-nay-wa-n",
            "gloss": "work-DES-1OM-3SG"
        "parallelText": {
          "utterance": "Noqata yapamanta llank'anaywan",
          "translation": "I feel like working again."
      "maxScore": 10.979033000000001,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "goal": "This data was collected by ME Cathcart for her dissertation \"Impulsatives: The syntax and semantics of involuntary desire\" for more of her data:",
      "comments": [
          "fieldDBtype": "Comment",
          "username": "quotecleaningbot",
          "text": "Hi\nJust a quick note to say that I automatically cleaned this datum. \n\nChanges:\n *  quote encoding problems `I feel like working again.' -> I feel like working again.\n\nExplanation: I was asked by lingllama to come by and standardize quotes today. According to his corpus' convention, we don't need quotes in the translation field.",
          "timestamp": 1389642361684,
          "dateCreated": 1389642361684,
          "version": "v5.26.21"
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [
            "help": "You can use this field to be as precise as you would like about the dialect of this session.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Dialect",
            "mask": "Cusco Quechua",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Cusco Quechua",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dialect",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dialect"
            "help": "This is the langauge (or language family) if you would like to use it.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Language",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "language",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "language"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session took place.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateElicited",
            "mask": "Summer 2010",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Summer 2010",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateElicited",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateElicited"
            "help": "Put your team's data entry conventions here (if any)...",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "User",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "user",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "user"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session was entered.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateSEntered",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateSEntered",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateSEntered"
        "dateCreated": 1714651802773,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "consultants": "Lucia, Ricardo, Seberina",
      "tags": "ambiguous",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "89bc4d7dcc2b1fc9a7bb0f4f47456780"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "Use this field to establish your team's gramaticality/acceptablity judgements (*,#,? etc)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Judgement",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "Use this as Line 1 in your examples for handouts (ie, either Orthography, or phonemic/phonetic representation)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Utterance",
          "mask": "Aqtunaywan",
          "encryptedValue": "Aqtunaywan",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "Aqtunaywan",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "This line is used to determine the morpheme segmentation to generate glosses, it also optionally can show up in your LaTeXed examples if you choose to show morpheme segmentation in addtion ot line 1, gloss and translation.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "mask": "Aqtu-nay-wa-n",
          "encryptedValue": "Aqtu-nay-wa-n",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "Aqtu-nay-wa-n",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "highlighted": [
          "label": "morphemes",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "This line appears in the gloss line of your LaTeXed examples, we reccomend Leipzig conventions (. for fusional morphemes, - for morpehem boundaries etc) The system uses this line to partially help you in glossing.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "mask": "vOMit-DES-1OM-3SG",
          "encryptedValue": "vOMit-DES-1OM-3SG",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "vOMit-DES-1OM-3SG",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "highlighted": [
          "label": "gloss",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "Use this as your primary translation. It does not need to be English, simply a language your team is comfortable with. If your consultant often gives you multiple languages for translation you can also add addtional translations in the customized fields. For example, your Quechua informants use Spanish for translations, then you can make all Translations in Spanish, and add an additional field for English if you want to generate a handout containing the datum.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "mask": "I feel like vomiting",
          "encryptedValue": "I feel like vomiting",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "I feel like vomiting",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation"
      "validationStatus": "CheckedWithSeberina",
      "igtCache": {
        "tuples": [
            "utterance": "Aqtunaywan",
            "morphemes": "Aqtu-nay-wa-n",
            "gloss": "vOMit-DES-1OM-3SG"
        "parallelText": {
          "utterance": "Aqtunaywan",
          "translation": "I feel like vomiting"
      "maxScore": 10.979033000000001,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "goal": "This data was collected by ME Cathcart for her dissertation \"Impulsatives: The syntax and semantics of involuntary desire\" for more of her data:",
      "comments": [
          "fieldDBtype": "Comment",
          "username": "quotecleaningbot",
          "text": "Hi\nJust a quick note to say that I automatically cleaned this datum. \n\nChanges:\n *  quote encoding problems `I feel like vOMiting’ -> I feel like vomiting\n\nExplanation: I was asked by lingllama to come by and standardize quotes today. According to his corpus' convention, we don't need quotes in the translation field.",
          "timestamp": 1389642361770,
          "dateCreated": 1389642361770,
          "version": "v5.26.21"
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [
            "help": "You can use this field to be as precise as you would like about the dialect of this session.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Dialect",
            "mask": "Cusco Quechua",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Cusco Quechua",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dialect",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dialect"
            "help": "This is the langauge (or language family) if you would like to use it.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Language",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "language",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "language"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session took place.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateElicited",
            "mask": "Summer 2010",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Summer 2010",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateElicited",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateElicited"
            "help": "Put your team's data entry conventions here (if any)...",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "User",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "user",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "user"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session was entered.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateSEntered",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateSEntered",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateSEntered"
        "dateCreated": 1714651802775,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "consultants": "Lucia, Ricardo, Seberina",
      "tags": "Verbal restrictions bodily functions",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "89bc4d7dcc2b1fc9a7bb0f4f4746b10f"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "Use this field to establish your team's gramaticality/acceptablity judgements (*,#,? etc)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Judgement",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "Use this as Line 1 in your examples for handouts (ie, either Orthography, or phonemic/phonetic representation)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Utterance",
          "mask": "Urmanaywan",
          "encryptedValue": "Urmanaywan",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "Urmanaywan",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "This line is used to determine the morpheme segmentation to generate glosses, it also optionally can show up in your LaTeXed examples if you choose to show morpheme segmentation in addtion ot line 1, gloss and translation.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "mask": "Urma-nay-wa-n",
          "encryptedValue": "Urma-nay-wa-n",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "Urma-nay-wa-n",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "highlighted": [
          "label": "morphemes",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "This line appears in the gloss line of your LaTeXed examples, we reccomend Leipzig conventions (. for fusional morphemes, - for morpehem boundaries etc) The system uses this line to partially help you in glossing.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "mask": "descend-DES-1OM-3SG",
          "encryptedValue": "descend-DES-1OM-3SG",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "descend-DES-1OM-3SG",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "highlighted": [
          "label": "gloss",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "Use this as your primary translation. It does not need to be English, simply a language your team is comfortable with. If your consultant often gives you multiple languages for translation you can also add addtional translations in the customized fields. For example, your Quechua informants use Spanish for translations, then you can make all Translations in Spanish, and add an additional field for English if you want to generate a handout containing the datum.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "mask": "I feel like going down.",
          "encryptedValue": "I feel like going down.",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "I feel like going down.",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation"
      "validationStatus": "CheckedWithRicardo",
      "igtCache": {
        "tuples": [
            "utterance": "Urmanaywan",
            "morphemes": "Urma-nay-wa-n",
            "gloss": "descend-DES-1OM-3SG"
        "parallelText": {
          "utterance": "Urmanaywan",
          "translation": "I feel like going down."
      "maxScore": 10.979033000000001,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "goal": "This data was collected by ME Cathcart for her dissertation \"Impulsatives: The syntax and semantics of involuntary desire\" for more of her data:",
      "comments": [
          "fieldDBtype": "Comment",
          "username": "quotecleaningbot",
          "text": "Hi\nJust a quick note to say that I automatically cleaned this datum. \n\nChanges:\n *  quote encoding problems `I feel like going down.' -> I feel like going down.\n\nExplanation: I was asked by lingllama to come by and standardize quotes today. According to his corpus' convention, we don't need quotes in the translation field.",
          "timestamp": 1389642361737,
          "dateCreated": 1389642361737,
          "version": "v5.26.21"
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [
            "help": "You can use this field to be as precise as you would like about the dialect of this session.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Dialect",
            "mask": "Cusco Quechua",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Cusco Quechua",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dialect",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dialect"
            "help": "This is the langauge (or language family) if you would like to use it.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Language",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "language",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "language"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session took place.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateElicited",
            "mask": "Summer 2010",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Summer 2010",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateElicited",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateElicited"
            "help": "Put your team's data entry conventions here (if any)...",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "User",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "user",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "user"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session was entered.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateSEntered",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateSEntered",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateSEntered"
        "dateCreated": 1714651802777,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "consultants": "Lucia, Ricardo, Seberina",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "89bc4d7dcc2b1fc9a7bb0f4f47463cf0"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "Use this field to establish your team's gramaticality/acceptablity judgements (*,#,? etc)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Judgement",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "Use this as Line 1 in your examples for handouts (ie, either Orthography, or phonemic/phonetic representation)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Utterance",
          "mask": "wanyunaywan",
          "encryptedValue": "wanyunaywan",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "wanyunaywan",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "This line is used to determine the morpheme segmentation to generate glosses, it also optionally can show up in your LaTeXed examples if you choose to show morpheme segmentation in addtion ot line 1, gloss and translation.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "mask": "Wanyu-nay-wa-n",
          "encryptedValue": "Wanyu-nay-wa-n",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "Wanyu-nay-wa-n",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "highlighted": [
          "label": "morphemes",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "This line appears in the gloss line of your LaTeXed examples, we reccomend Leipzig conventions (. for fusional morphemes, - for morpehem boundaries etc) The system uses this line to partially help you in glossing.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "mask": "die-DES-1OM-3SG",
          "encryptedValue": "die-DES-1OM-3SG",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "die-DES-1OM-3SG",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "highlighted": [
          "label": "gloss",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "Use this as your primary translation. It does not need to be English, simply a language your team is comfortable with. If your consultant often gives you multiple languages for translation you can also add addtional translations in the customized fields. For example, your Quechua informants use Spanish for translations, then you can make all Translations in Spanish, and add an additional field for English if you want to generate a handout containing the datum.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "mask": "I feel like dying.",
          "encryptedValue": "I feel like dying.",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "I feel like dying.",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation"
      "validationStatus": "CheckedWithSeberina",
      "igtCache": {
        "tuples": [
            "utterance": "wanyunaywan",
            "morphemes": "Wanyu-nay-wa-n",
            "gloss": "die-DES-1OM-3SG"
        "parallelText": {
          "utterance": "wanyunaywan",
          "translation": "I feel like dying."
      "maxScore": 10.979033000000001,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "goal": "This data was collected by ME Cathcart for her dissertation \"Impulsatives: The syntax and semantics of involuntary desire\" for more of her data:",
      "comments": [
          "fieldDBtype": "Comment",
          "username": "quotecleaningbot",
          "text": "Hi\nJust a quick note to say that I automatically cleaned this datum. \n\nChanges:\n *  quote encoding problems `I feel like dying.’ -> I feel like dying.\n\nExplanation: I was asked by lingllama to come by and standardize quotes today. According to his corpus' convention, we don't need quotes in the translation field.",
          "timestamp": 1389642361828,
          "dateCreated": 1389642361828,
          "version": "v5.26.21"
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [
            "help": "You can use this field to be as precise as you would like about the dialect of this session.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Dialect",
            "mask": "Cusco Quechua",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Cusco Quechua",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dialect",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dialect"
            "help": "This is the langauge (or language family) if you would like to use it.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Language",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "language",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "language"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session took place.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateElicited",
            "mask": "Summer 2010",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Summer 2010",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateElicited",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateElicited"
            "help": "Put your team's data entry conventions here (if any)...",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "User",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "user",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "user"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session was entered.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateSEntered",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateSEntered",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateSEntered"
        "dateCreated": 1714651802779,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "consultants": "Lucia, Ricardo, Seberina",
      "tags": "Verbal restrictions Unaccusative",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "89bc4d7dcc2b1fc9a7bb0f4f47478a49"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "Use this field to establish your team's gramaticality/acceptablity judgements (*,#,? etc)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Judgement",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "Use this as Line 1 in your examples for handouts (ie, either Orthography, or phonemic/phonetic representation)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Utterance",
          "mask": "Haykunaywan",
          "encryptedValue": "Haykunaywan",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "Haykunaywan",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "This line is used to determine the morpheme segmentation to generate glosses, it also optionally can show up in your LaTeXed examples if you choose to show morpheme segmentation in addtion ot line 1, gloss and translation.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "mask": "Hay-ku-nay-wa-n",
          "encryptedValue": "Hay-ku-nay-wa-n",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "Hay-ku-nay-wa-n",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "highlighted": [
          "label": "morphemes",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "This line appears in the gloss line of your LaTeXed examples, we reccomend Leipzig conventions (. for fusional morphemes, - for morpehem boundaries etc) The system uses this line to partially help you in glossing.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "mask": "enter-DES-1OM-3SG",
          "encryptedValue": "enter-DES-1OM-3SG",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "enter-DES-1OM-3SG",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "highlighted": [
          "label": "gloss",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "Use this as your primary translation. It does not need to be English, simply a language your team is comfortable with. If your consultant often gives you multiple languages for translation you can also add addtional translations in the customized fields. For example, your Quechua informants use Spanish for translations, then you can make all Translations in Spanish, and add an additional field for English if you want to generate a handout containing the datum.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "mask": "I feel like entering.",
          "encryptedValue": "I feel like entering.",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "I feel like entering.",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation"
      "validationStatus": "CheckedWithRicardo",
      "igtCache": {
        "tuples": [
            "utterance": "Haykunaywan",
            "morphemes": "Hay-ku-nay-wa-n",
            "gloss": "enter-DES-1OM-3SG"
        "parallelText": {
          "utterance": "Haykunaywan",
          "translation": "I feel like entering."
      "maxScore": 10.979033000000001,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "goal": "This data was collected by ME Cathcart for her dissertation \"Impulsatives: The syntax and semantics of involuntary desire\" for more of her data:",
      "comments": [
          "fieldDBtype": "Comment",
          "username": "quotecleaningbot",
          "text": "Hi\nJust a quick note to say that I automatically cleaned this datum. \n\nChanges:\n *  quote encoding problems `I feel like entering.' -> I feel like entering.\n\nExplanation: I was asked by lingllama to come by and standardize quotes today. According to his corpus' convention, we don't need quotes in the translation field.",
          "timestamp": 1389642361760,
          "dateCreated": 1389642361760,
          "version": "v5.26.21"
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [
            "help": "You can use this field to be as precise as you would like about the dialect of this session.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Dialect",
            "mask": "Cusco Quechua",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Cusco Quechua",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dialect",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dialect"
            "help": "This is the langauge (or language family) if you would like to use it.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Language",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "language",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "language"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session took place.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateElicited",
            "mask": "Summer 2010",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Summer 2010",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateElicited",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateElicited"
            "help": "Put your team's data entry conventions here (if any)...",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "User",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "user",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "user"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session was entered.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateSEntered",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateSEntered",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateSEntered"
        "dateCreated": 1714651802782,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "consultants": "Lucia, Ricardo, Seberina",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "89bc4d7dcc2b1fc9a7bb0f4f47465b58"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "Use this field to establish your team's gramaticality/acceptablity judgements (*,#,? etc)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Judgement",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "Use this as Line 1 in your examples for handouts (ie, either Orthography, or phonemic/phonetic representation)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Utterance",
          "mask": "Qhepakunaywan",
          "encryptedValue": "Qhepakunaywan",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "Qhepakunaywan",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "This line is used to determine the morpheme segmentation to generate glosses, it also optionally can show up in your LaTeXed examples if you choose to show morpheme segmentation in addtion ot line 1, gloss and translation.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "mask": "Qhepa-ku-nay-wa-n",
          "encryptedValue": "Qhepa-ku-nay-wa-n",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "Qhepa-ku-nay-wa-n",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "highlighted": [
          "label": "morphemes",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "This line appears in the gloss line of your LaTeXed examples, we reccomend Leipzig conventions (. for fusional morphemes, - for morpehem boundaries etc) The system uses this line to partially help you in glossing.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "mask": "stay-DES-1OM-3SG",
          "encryptedValue": "stay-DES-1OM-3SG",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "stay-DES-1OM-3SG",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "highlighted": [
          "label": "gloss",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "Use this as your primary translation. It does not need to be English, simply a language your team is comfortable with. If your consultant often gives you multiple languages for translation you can also add addtional translations in the customized fields. For example, your Quechua informants use Spanish for translations, then you can make all Translations in Spanish, and add an additional field for English if you want to generate a handout containing the datum.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "mask": "I feel like staying.",
          "encryptedValue": "I feel like staying.",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "I feel like staying.",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation"
      "validationStatus": "CheckedWithRicardo",
      "igtCache": {
        "tuples": [
            "utterance": "Qhepakunaywan",
            "morphemes": "Qhepa-ku-nay-wa-n",
            "gloss": "stay-DES-1OM-3SG"
        "parallelText": {
          "utterance": "Qhepakunaywan",
          "translation": "I feel like staying."
      "maxScore": 10.979033000000001,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "goal": "This data was collected by ME Cathcart for her dissertation \"Impulsatives: The syntax and semantics of involuntary desire\" for more of her data:",
      "comments": [
          "fieldDBtype": "Comment",
          "username": "quotecleaningbot",
          "text": "Hi\nJust a quick note to say that I automatically cleaned this datum. \n\nChanges:\n *  quote encoding problems `I feel like staying.' -> I feel like staying.\n\nExplanation: I was asked by lingllama to come by and standardize quotes today. According to his corpus' convention, we don't need quotes in the translation field.",
          "timestamp": 1389642361767,
          "dateCreated": 1389642361767,
          "version": "v5.26.21"
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [
            "help": "You can use this field to be as precise as you would like about the dialect of this session.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Dialect",
            "mask": "Cusco Quechua",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Cusco Quechua",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dialect",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dialect"
            "help": "This is the langauge (or language family) if you would like to use it.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Language",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "language",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "language"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session took place.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateElicited",
            "mask": "Summer 2010",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Summer 2010",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateElicited",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateElicited"
            "help": "Put your team's data entry conventions here (if any)...",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "User",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "user",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "user"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session was entered.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateSEntered",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateSEntered",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateSEntered"
        "dateCreated": 1714651802784,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "consultants": "Lucia, Ricardo, Seberina",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "89bc4d7dcc2b1fc9a7bb0f4f47467db9"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "Use this field to establish your team's gramaticality/acceptablity judgements (*,#,? etc)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Judgement",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "Use this as Line 1 in your examples for handouts (ie, either Orthography, or phonemic/phonetic representation)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Utterance",
          "mask": "Hallpanaywan",
          "encryptedValue": "Hallpanaywan",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "Hallpanaywan",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "This line is used to determine the morpheme segmentation to generate glosses, it also optionally can show up in your LaTeXed examples if you choose to show morpheme segmentation in addtion ot line 1, gloss and translation.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "mask": "Hall-pa-nay-wa-n",
          "encryptedValue": "Hall-pa-nay-wa-n",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "Hall-pa-nay-wa-n",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "highlighted": [
          "label": "morphemes",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "This line appears in the gloss line of your LaTeXed examples, we reccomend Leipzig conventions (. for fusional morphemes, - for morpehem boundaries etc) The system uses this line to partially help you in glossing.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "mask": "chew coca-DES-1OM-3SG",
          "encryptedValue": "chew coca-DES-1OM-3SG",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "chew coca-DES-1OM-3SG",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "highlighted": [
            "chew coca-<em>DES</em>-1OM-3SG"
          "label": "gloss",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "Use this as your primary translation. It does not need to be English, simply a language your team is comfortable with. If your consultant often gives you multiple languages for translation you can also add addtional translations in the customized fields. For example, your Quechua informants use Spanish for translations, then you can make all Translations in Spanish, and add an additional field for English if you want to generate a handout containing the datum.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "mask": "I feel like chewing coca.",
          "encryptedValue": "I feel like chewing coca.",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "I feel like chewing coca.",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation"
      "validationStatus": "CheckedWithSeberina",
      "igtCache": {
        "tuples": [
            "utterance": "Hallpanaywan",
            "morphemes": "Hall-pa-nay-wa-n",
            "gloss": "chew"
            "utterance": "",
            "morphemes": "",
            "gloss": "coca-DES-1OM-3SG"
        "parallelText": {
          "utterance": "Hallpanaywan",
          "translation": "I feel like chewing coca."
      "maxScore": 10.979033000000001,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "goal": "This data was collected by ME Cathcart for her dissertation \"Impulsatives: The syntax and semantics of involuntary desire\" for more of her data:",
      "comments": [
          "fieldDBtype": "Comment",
          "username": "quotecleaningbot",
          "text": "Hi\nJust a quick note to say that I automatically cleaned this datum. \n\nChanges:\n *  quote encoding problems `I feel like chewing coca.’ -> I feel like chewing coca.\n\nExplanation: I was asked by lingllama to come by and standardize quotes today. According to his corpus' convention, we don't need quotes in the translation field.",
          "timestamp": 1389642361856,
          "dateCreated": 1389642361856,
          "version": "v5.26.21"
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [
            "help": "You can use this field to be as precise as you would like about the dialect of this session.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Dialect",
            "mask": "Cusco Quechua",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Cusco Quechua",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dialect",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dialect"
            "help": "This is the langauge (or language family) if you would like to use it.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Language",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "language",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "language"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session took place.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateElicited",
            "mask": "Summer 2010",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Summer 2010",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateElicited",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateElicited"
            "help": "Put your team's data entry conventions here (if any)...",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "User",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "user",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "user"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session was entered.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateSEntered",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateSEntered",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateSEntered"
        "dateCreated": 1714651802786,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "consultants": "Lucia, Ricardo, Seberina",
      "tags": "verbal restrictions unergative",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "89bc4d7dcc2b1fc9a7bb0f4f47480954"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "Use this field to establish your team's gramaticality/acceptablity judgements (*,#,? etc)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Judgement",
          "mask": "*",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "*",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "Use this as Line 1 in your examples for handouts (ie, either Orthography, or phonemic/phonetic representation)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Utterance",
          "mask": "Noqata qaparinaykuni.",
          "encryptedValue": "Noqata qaparinaykuni.",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "Noqata qaparinaykuni.",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "This line is used to determine the morpheme segmentation to generate glosses, it also optionally can show up in your LaTeXed examples if you choose to show morpheme segmentation in addtion ot line 1, gloss and translation.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "mask": "Noqa-ta qapari-nay-kuni",
          "encryptedValue": "Noqa-ta qapari-nay-kuni",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "Noqa-ta qapari-nay-kuni",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "highlighted": [
            "Noqa-ta qapari-<em>nay</em>-kuni"
          "label": "morphemes",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "This line appears in the gloss line of your LaTeXed examples, we reccomend Leipzig conventions (. for fusional morphemes, - for morpehem boundaries etc) The system uses this line to partially help you in glossing.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "mask": "I-ACC yell-DES-refl.1SG",
          "encryptedValue": "I-ACC yell-DES-refl.1SG",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "I-ACC yell-DES-refl.1SG",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "highlighted": [
            "I-ACC yell-<em>DES</em>-refl.1SG"
          "label": "gloss",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "Use this as your primary translation. It does not need to be English, simply a language your team is comfortable with. If your consultant often gives you multiple languages for translation you can also add addtional translations in the customized fields. For example, your Quechua informants use Spanish for translations, then you can make all Translations in Spanish, and add an additional field for English if you want to generate a handout containing the datum.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "mask": "I feel like yelling at myself.",
          "encryptedValue": "I feel like yelling at myself.",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "I feel like yelling at myself.",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation"
      "modifiedByUser": "lingllama",
      "validationStatus": "CheckedWithRicardo",
      "igtCache": {
        "tuples": [
            "utterance": "Noqata",
            "morphemes": "Noqa-ta",
            "gloss": "I-ACC"
            "utterance": "qaparinaykuni.",
            "morphemes": "qapari-nay-kuni",
            "gloss": "yell-DES-refl.1SG"
        "parallelText": {
          "utterance": "Noqata qaparinaykuni.",
          "translation": "I feel like yelling at myself."
      "maxScore": 10.979033000000001,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "goal": "This data was collected by ME Cathcart for her dissertation \"Impulsatives: The syntax and semantics of involuntary desire\" for more of her data:",
      "comments": [],
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [
            "help": "You can use this field to be as precise as you would like about the dialect of this session.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Dialect",
            "mask": "Cusco Quechua",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Cusco Quechua",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dialect",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dialect"
            "help": "This is the langauge (or language family) if you would like to use it.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Language",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "language",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "language"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session took place.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateElicited",
            "mask": "Summer 2010",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Summer 2010",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateElicited",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateElicited"
            "help": "Put your team's data entry conventions here (if any)...",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "User",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "user",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "user"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session was entered.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateSEntered",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateSEntered",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateSEntered"
        "dateCreated": 1714651802788,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "consultants": "Lucia, Ricardo, Seberina",
      "tags": "Impulsative, Person, agreement, reflexive",
      "notesFromOldDB": "bad with reflexive!!",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "89bc4d7dcc2b1fc9a7bb0f4f474a1229"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "Use this field to establish your team's gramaticality/acceptablity judgements (*,#,? etc)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Judgement",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "Use this as Line 1 in your examples for handouts (ie, either Orthography, or phonemic/phonetic representation)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Utterance",
          "mask": "Ruphanaywan t'antata",
          "encryptedValue": "Ruphanaywan t'antata",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "Ruphanaywan t'antata",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "This line is used to determine the morpheme segmentation to generate glosses, it also optionally can show up in your LaTeXed examples if you choose to show morpheme segmentation in addtion ot line 1, gloss and translation.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "mask": "Rupha-nay-wa-n t'anta-ta",
          "encryptedValue": "Rupha-nay-wa-n t'anta-ta",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "Rupha-nay-wa-n t'anta-ta",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "highlighted": [
            "Rupha-<em>nay</em>-wa-n t'anta-ta"
          "label": "morphemes",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "This line appears in the gloss line of your LaTeXed examples, we reccomend Leipzig conventions (. for fusional morphemes, - for morpehem boundaries etc) The system uses this line to partially help you in glossing.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "mask": "burn-DES-1OB bread-ACC",
          "encryptedValue": "burn-DES-1OB bread-ACC",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "burn-DES-1OB bread-ACC",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "highlighted": [
            "burn-<em>DES</em>-1OB bread-ACC"
          "label": "gloss",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "Use this as your primary translation. It does not need to be English, simply a language your team is comfortable with. If your consultant often gives you multiple languages for translation you can also add addtional translations in the customized fields. For example, your Quechua informants use Spanish for translations, then you can make all Translations in Spanish, and add an additional field for English if you want to generate a handout containing the datum.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "mask": "I feel like burning the bread.",
          "encryptedValue": "I feel like burning the bread.",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "I feel like burning the bread.",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation"
      "validationStatus": "CheckedWithSeberina",
      "igtCache": {
        "tuples": [
            "utterance": "Ruphanaywan",
            "morphemes": "Rupha-nay-wa-n",
            "gloss": "burn-DES-1OB"
            "utterance": "t'antata",
            "morphemes": "t'anta-ta",
            "gloss": "bread-ACC"
        "parallelText": {
          "utterance": "Ruphanaywan t'antata",
          "translation": "I feel like burning the bread."
      "maxScore": 10.979033000000001,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "goal": "This data was collected by ME Cathcart for her dissertation \"Impulsatives: The syntax and semantics of involuntary desire\" for more of her data:",
      "comments": [
          "fieldDBtype": "Comment",
          "username": "quotecleaningbot",
          "text": "Hi\nJust a quick note to say that I automatically cleaned this datum. \n\nChanges:\n *  quote encoding problems `I feel like burning the bread.’ -> I feel like burning the bread.\n *  quote encoding problems Rupha-nay-wa-n t’anta-ta -> Rupha-nay-wa-n t'anta-ta\n *  quote encoding problems Ruphanaywan t’antata -> Ruphanaywan t'antata\n\nExplanation: I was asked by lingllama to come by and standardize quotes today. According to his corpus' convention, we don't need quotes in the translation field.",
          "timestamp": 1389642361868,
          "dateCreated": 1389642361868,
          "version": "v5.26.21"
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [
            "help": "You can use this field to be as precise as you would like about the dialect of this session.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Dialect",
            "mask": "Cusco Quechua",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Cusco Quechua",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dialect",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dialect"
            "help": "This is the langauge (or language family) if you would like to use it.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Language",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "language",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "language"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session took place.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateElicited",
            "mask": "Summer 2010",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Summer 2010",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateElicited",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateElicited"
            "help": "Put your team's data entry conventions here (if any)...",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "User",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "user",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "user"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session was entered.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateSEntered",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateSEntered",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateSEntered"
        "dateCreated": 1714651802790,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "consultants": "Lucia, Ricardo, Seberina",
      "tags": "causative verb",
      "notesFromOldDB": "again no caus marker...",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "89bc4d7dcc2b1fc9a7bb0f4f47486c22"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "Use this field to establish your team's gramaticality/acceptablity judgements (*,#,? etc)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Judgement",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "Use this as Line 1 in your examples for handouts (ie, either Orthography, or phonemic/phonetic representation)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Utterance",
          "mask": "Hanllarinaywan",
          "encryptedValue": "Hanllarinaywan",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "Hanllarinaywan",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "This line is used to determine the morpheme segmentation to generate glosses, it also optionally can show up in your LaTeXed examples if you choose to show morpheme segmentation in addtion ot line 1, gloss and translation.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "mask": "Hanllari-nay-wan",
          "encryptedValue": "Hanllari-nay-wan",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "Hanllari-nay-wan",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "highlighted": [
          "label": "morphemes",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "This line appears in the gloss line of your LaTeXed examples, we reccomend Leipzig conventions (. for fusional morphemes, - for morpehem boundaries etc) The system uses this line to partially help you in glossing.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "mask": "yawn-DES-1OM-3SG",
          "encryptedValue": "yawn-DES-1OM-3SG",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "yawn-DES-1OM-3SG",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "highlighted": [
          "label": "gloss",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "Use this as your primary translation. It does not need to be English, simply a language your team is comfortable with. If your consultant often gives you multiple languages for translation you can also add addtional translations in the customized fields. For example, your Quechua informants use Spanish for translations, then you can make all Translations in Spanish, and add an additional field for English if you want to generate a handout containing the datum.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "mask": "I feel like yawning.",
          "encryptedValue": "I feel like yawning.",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "I feel like yawning.",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation"
      "validationStatus": "CheckedWithSeberina",
      "igtCache": {
        "tuples": [
            "utterance": "Hanllarinaywan",
            "morphemes": "Hanllari-nay-wan",
            "gloss": "yawn-DES-1OM-3SG"
        "parallelText": {
          "utterance": "Hanllarinaywan",
          "translation": "I feel like yawning."
      "maxScore": 10.979033000000001,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "goal": "This data was collected by ME Cathcart for her dissertation \"Impulsatives: The syntax and semantics of involuntary desire\" for more of her data:",
      "comments": [
          "fieldDBtype": "Comment",
          "username": "quotecleaningbot",
          "text": "Hi\nJust a quick note to say that I automatically cleaned this datum. \n\nChanges:\n *  quote encoding problems `I feel like yawning.’ -> I feel like yawning.\n\nExplanation: I was asked by lingllama to come by and standardize quotes today. According to his corpus' convention, we don't need quotes in the translation field.",
          "timestamp": 1389642361804,
          "dateCreated": 1389642361804,
          "version": "v5.26.21"
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [
            "help": "You can use this field to be as precise as you would like about the dialect of this session.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Dialect",
            "mask": "Cusco Quechua",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Cusco Quechua",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dialect",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dialect"
            "help": "This is the langauge (or language family) if you would like to use it.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Language",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "language",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "language"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session took place.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateElicited",
            "mask": "Summer 2010",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Summer 2010",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateElicited",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateElicited"
            "help": "Put your team's data entry conventions here (if any)...",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "User",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "user",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "user"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session was entered.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateSEntered",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateSEntered",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateSEntered"
        "dateCreated": 1714651802793,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "consultants": "Lucia, Ricardo, Seberina",
      "tags": "Verbal restrictions bodily functions",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "89bc4d7dcc2b1fc9a7bb0f4f4746f146"
      "media": [
          "type": "audio"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "Use this field to establish your team's gramaticality/acceptablity judgements (*,#,? etc)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Judgement",
          "mask": "*",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "*",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "Use this as Line 1 in your examples for handouts (ie, either Orthography, or phonemic/phonetic representation)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Utterance",
          "mask": "kausanaywan",
          "encryptedValue": "kausanaywan",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "kausanaywan",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "This line is used to determine the morpheme segmentation to generate glosses, it also optionally can show up in your LaTeXed examples if you choose to show morpheme segmentation in addtion ot line 1, gloss and translation.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "mask": "kausa-nay-wa-n",
          "encryptedValue": "kausa-nay-wa-n",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "kausa-nay-wa-n",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "highlighted": [
          "label": "morphemes",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "This line appears in the gloss line of your LaTeXed examples, we reccomend Leipzig conventions (. for fusional morphemes, - for morpehem boundaries etc) The system uses this line to partially help you in glossing.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "mask": "live-DES-1OM-3SG",
          "encryptedValue": "live-DES-1OM-3SG",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "live-DES-1OM-3SG",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "highlighted": [
          "label": "gloss",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "Use this as your primary translation. It does not need to be English, simply a language your team is comfortable with. If your consultant often gives you multiple languages for translation you can also add addtional translations in the customized fields. For example, your Quechua informants use Spanish for translations, then you can make all Translations in Spanish, and add an additional field for English if you want to generate a handout containing the datum.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "mask": "I feel like living.",
          "encryptedValue": "I feel like living.",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "I feel like living.",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation"
      "modifiedByUser": "public",
      "validationStatus": "CheckedWithSeberina",
      "igtCache": {
        "tuples": [
            "utterance": "kausanaywan",
            "morphemes": "kausa-nay-wa-n",
            "gloss": "live-DES-1OM-3SG"
        "parallelText": {
          "utterance": "kausanaywan",
          "translation": "I feel like living."
      "maxScore": 10.979033000000001,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "comments": [
          "fieldDBtype": "Comment",
          "username": "quotecleaningbot",
          "text": "Hi\nJust a quick note to say that I automatically cleaned this datum. \n\nChanges:\n *  quote encoding problems `I feel like living.’ -> I feel like living.\n\nExplanation: I was asked by lingllama to come by and standardize quotes today. According to his corpus' convention, we don't need quotes in the translation field.",
          "timestamp": 1389642361807,
          "dateCreated": 1389642361807,
          "version": "v5.26.21"
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [
            "help": "You can use this field to be as precise as you would like about the dialect of this session.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Dialect",
            "mask": "Cusco Quechua",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Cusco Quechua",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dialect",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dialect"
            "help": "This is the langauge (or language family) if you would like to use it.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Language",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "language",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "language"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session took place.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateElicited",
            "mask": "5/10/2010",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "5/10/2010",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateElicited",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateElicited"
            "help": "Put your team's data entry conventions here (if any)...",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "User",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "user",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "user"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session was entered.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateSEntered",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateSEntered",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateSEntered"
        "dateCreated": 1714651802795,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "tags": "Verbal, restrictions, unaccusative",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "89bc4d7dcc2b1fc9a7bb0f4f474749c0"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "Use this field to establish your team's gramaticality/acceptablity judgements (*,#,? etc)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Judgement",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "Use this as Line 1 in your examples for handouts (ie, either Orthography, or phonemic/phonetic representation)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Utterance",
          "mask": "Lloqsinaywan",
          "encryptedValue": "Lloqsinaywan",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "Lloqsinaywan",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "This line is used to determine the morpheme segmentation to generate glosses, it also optionally can show up in your LaTeXed examples if you choose to show morpheme segmentation in addtion ot line 1, gloss and translation.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "mask": "Lloqsi-nay-wa-n",
          "encryptedValue": "Lloqsi-nay-wa-n",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "Lloqsi-nay-wa-n",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "highlighted": [
          "label": "morphemes",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "This line appears in the gloss line of your LaTeXed examples, we reccomend Leipzig conventions (. for fusional morphemes, - for morpehem boundaries etc) The system uses this line to partially help you in glossing.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "mask": "go.out-DES-1OM-3SG",
          "encryptedValue": "go.out-DES-1OM-3SG",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "go.out-DES-1OM-3SG",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "highlighted": [
          "label": "gloss",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "Use this as your primary translation. It does not need to be English, simply a language your team is comfortable with. If your consultant often gives you multiple languages for translation you can also add addtional translations in the customized fields. For example, your Quechua informants use Spanish for translations, then you can make all Translations in Spanish, and add an additional field for English if you want to generate a handout containing the datum.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "mask": "I feel like going out.",
          "encryptedValue": "I feel like going out.",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "I feel like going out.",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation"
      "validationStatus": "CheckedWithRicardo",
      "igtCache": {
        "tuples": [
            "utterance": "Lloqsinaywan",
            "morphemes": "Lloqsi-nay-wa-n",
            "gloss": "go.out-DES-1OM-3SG"
        "parallelText": {
          "utterance": "Lloqsinaywan",
          "translation": "I feel like going out."
      "maxScore": 10.979033000000001,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "goal": "This data was collected by ME Cathcart for her dissertation \"Impulsatives: The syntax and semantics of involuntary desire\" for more of her data:",
      "comments": [
          "fieldDBtype": "Comment",
          "username": "quotecleaningbot",
          "text": "Hi\nJust a quick note to say that I automatically cleaned this datum. \n\nChanges:\n *  quote encoding problems `I feel like going out.' -> I feel like going out.\n\nExplanation: I was asked by lingllama to come by and standardize quotes today. According to his corpus' convention, we don't need quotes in the translation field.",
          "timestamp": 1389642361762,
          "dateCreated": 1389642361762,
          "version": "v5.26.21"
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [
            "help": "You can use this field to be as precise as you would like about the dialect of this session.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Dialect",
            "mask": "Cusco Quechua",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Cusco Quechua",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dialect",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dialect"
            "help": "This is the langauge (or language family) if you would like to use it.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Language",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "language",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "language"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session took place.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateElicited",
            "mask": "Summer 2010",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Summer 2010",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateElicited",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateElicited"
            "help": "Put your team's data entry conventions here (if any)...",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "User",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "user",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "user"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session was entered.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateSEntered",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateSEntered",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateSEntered"
        "dateCreated": 1714651802797,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "consultants": "Lucia, Ricardo, Seberina",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "89bc4d7dcc2b1fc9a7bb0f4f47464b3e"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "Use this field to establish your team's gramaticality/acceptablity judgements (*,#,? etc)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Judgement",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "Use this as Line 1 in your examples for handouts (ie, either Orthography, or phonemic/phonetic representation)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Utterance",
          "mask": "Qonqanaywan",
          "encryptedValue": "Qonqanaywan",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "Qonqanaywan",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "This line is used to determine the morpheme segmentation to generate glosses, it also optionally can show up in your LaTeXed examples if you choose to show morpheme segmentation in addtion ot line 1, gloss and translation.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "mask": "Qonqa-nay-wa-n",
          "encryptedValue": "Qonqa-nay-wa-n",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "Qonqa-nay-wa-n",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "highlighted": [
          "label": "morphemes",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "This line appears in the gloss line of your LaTeXed examples, we reccomend Leipzig conventions (. for fusional morphemes, - for morpehem boundaries etc) The system uses this line to partially help you in glossing.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "mask": "forget-DES-1OM-3SG",
          "encryptedValue": "forget-DES-1OM-3SG",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "forget-DES-1OM-3SG",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "highlighted": [
          "label": "gloss",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "Use this as your primary translation. It does not need to be English, simply a language your team is comfortable with. If your consultant often gives you multiple languages for translation you can also add addtional translations in the customized fields. For example, your Quechua informants use Spanish for translations, then you can make all Translations in Spanish, and add an additional field for English if you want to generate a handout containing the datum.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "mask": "I feel like forgetting.",
          "encryptedValue": "I feel like forgetting.",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "I feel like forgetting.",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation"
      "validationStatus": "CheckedWithRicardo",
      "igtCache": {
        "tuples": [
            "utterance": "Qonqanaywan",
            "morphemes": "Qonqa-nay-wa-n",
            "gloss": "forget-DES-1OM-3SG"
        "parallelText": {
          "utterance": "Qonqanaywan",
          "translation": "I feel like forgetting."
      "maxScore": 10.979033000000001,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "goal": "This data was collected by ME Cathcart for her dissertation \"Impulsatives: The syntax and semantics of involuntary desire\" for more of her data:",
      "comments": [
          "fieldDBtype": "Comment",
          "username": "quotecleaningbot",
          "text": "Hi\nJust a quick note to say that I automatically cleaned this datum. \n\nChanges:\n *  quote encoding problems `I feel like forgetting.' -> I feel like forgetting.\n\nExplanation: I was asked by lingllama to come by and standardize quotes today. According to his corpus' convention, we don't need quotes in the translation field.",
          "timestamp": 1389642361738,
          "dateCreated": 1389642361738,
          "version": "v5.26.21"
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [
            "help": "You can use this field to be as precise as you would like about the dialect of this session.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Dialect",
            "mask": "Cusco Quechua",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Cusco Quechua",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dialect",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dialect"
            "help": "This is the langauge (or language family) if you would like to use it.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Language",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "language",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "language"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session took place.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateElicited",
            "mask": "Summer 2010",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Summer 2010",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateElicited",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateElicited"
            "help": "Put your team's data entry conventions here (if any)...",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "User",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "user",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "user"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session was entered.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateSEntered",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateSEntered",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateSEntered"
        "dateCreated": 1714651802799,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "consultants": "Lucia, Ricardo, Seberina",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "89bc4d7dcc2b1fc9a7bb0f4f474604dd"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "Use this field to establish your team's gramaticality/acceptablity judgements (*,#,? etc)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Judgement",
          "mask": "*",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "*",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "Use this as Line 1 in your examples for handouts (ie, either Orthography, or phonemic/phonetic representation)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Utterance",
          "mask": "P'achakunaywan",
          "encryptedValue": "P'achakunaywan",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "P'achakunaywan",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "This line is used to determine the morpheme segmentation to generate glosses, it also optionally can show up in your LaTeXed examples if you choose to show morpheme segmentation in addtion ot line 1, gloss and translation.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "mask": "P'acha-ku-nay-wa-n",
          "encryptedValue": "P'acha-ku-nay-wa-n",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "P'acha-ku-nay-wa-n",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "highlighted": [
          "label": "morphemes",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "This line appears in the gloss line of your LaTeXed examples, we reccomend Leipzig conventions (. for fusional morphemes, - for morpehem boundaries etc) The system uses this line to partially help you in glossing.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "mask": "dress.refl-DES-1OM-3SG",
          "encryptedValue": "dress.refl-DES-1OM-3SG",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "dress.refl-DES-1OM-3SG",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "highlighted": [
          "label": "gloss",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "Use this as your primary translation. It does not need to be English, simply a language your team is comfortable with. If your consultant often gives you multiple languages for translation you can also add addtional translations in the customized fields. For example, your Quechua informants use Spanish for translations, then you can make all Translations in Spanish, and add an additional field for English if you want to generate a handout containing the datum.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "mask": "I feel like dressing myself.",
          "encryptedValue": "I feel like dressing myself.",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "I feel like dressing myself.",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation"
      "validationStatus": "CheckedWithSeberina",
      "igtCache": {
        "tuples": [
            "utterance": "P'achakunaywan",
            "morphemes": "P'acha-ku-nay-wa-n",
            "gloss": "dress.refl-DES-1OM-3SG"
        "parallelText": {
          "utterance": "P'achakunaywan",
          "translation": "I feel like dressing myself."
      "maxScore": 10.979033000000001,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "goal": "This data was collected by ME Cathcart for her dissertation \"Impulsatives: The syntax and semantics of involuntary desire\" for more of her data:",
      "comments": [
          "fieldDBtype": "Comment",
          "username": "quotecleaningbot",
          "text": "Hi\nJust a quick note to say that I automatically cleaned this datum. \n\nChanges:\n *  quote encoding problems `I feel like dressing myself.’ -> I feel like dressing myself.\n *  quote encoding problems P’acha-ku-nay-wa-n -> P'acha-ku-nay-wa-n\n *  quote encoding problems P’achakunaywan -> P'achakunaywan\n\nExplanation: I was asked by lingllama to come by and standardize quotes today. According to his corpus' convention, we don't need quotes in the translation field.",
          "timestamp": 1389642361844,
          "dateCreated": 1389642361844,
          "version": "v5.26.21"
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [
            "help": "You can use this field to be as precise as you would like about the dialect of this session.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Dialect",
            "mask": "Cusco Quechua",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Cusco Quechua",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dialect",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dialect"
            "help": "This is the langauge (or language family) if you would like to use it.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Language",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "language",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "language"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session took place.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateElicited",
            "mask": "Summer 2010",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Summer 2010",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateElicited",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateElicited"
            "help": "Put your team's data entry conventions here (if any)...",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "User",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "user",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "user"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session was entered.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateSEntered",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateSEntered",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateSEntered"
        "dateCreated": 1714651802801,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "consultants": "Lucia, Ricardo, Seberina",
      "tags": "Verbal Restrictions Reflexives",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "89bc4d7dcc2b1fc9a7bb0f4f4747eea8"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "Use this field to establish your team's gramaticality/acceptablity judgements (*,#,? etc)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Judgement",
          "mask": "*",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "*",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "Use this as Line 1 in your examples for handouts (ie, either Orthography, or phonemic/phonetic representation)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Utterance",
          "mask": "Qanta Qankuna paqarinaykunkichis",
          "encryptedValue": "Qanta Qankuna paqarinaykunkichis",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "Qanta Qankuna paqarinaykunkichis",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "This line is used to determine the morpheme segmentation to generate glosses, it also optionally can show up in your LaTeXed examples if you choose to show morpheme segmentation in addtion ot line 1, gloss and translation.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "mask": "Qan-ta qan-kuna paqari-nay-kunkichis",
          "encryptedValue": "Qan-ta qan-kuna paqari-nay-kunkichis",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "Qan-ta qan-kuna paqari-nay-kunkichis",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "highlighted": [
            "Qan-ta qan-kuna paqari-<em>nay</em>-kunkichis"
          "label": "morphemes",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "This line appears in the gloss line of your LaTeXed examples, we reccomend Leipzig conventions (. for fusional morphemes, - for morpehem boundaries etc) The system uses this line to partially help you in glossing.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "mask": "you-ACC you-PL-NOM yell-DES-refl.2PL",
          "encryptedValue": "you-ACC you-PL-NOM yell-DES-refl.2PL",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "you-ACC you-PL-NOM yell-DES-refl.2PL",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "highlighted": [
            "you-ACC you-PL-NOM yell-<em>DES</em>-refl.2PL"
          "label": "gloss",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "Use this as your primary translation. It does not need to be English, simply a language your team is comfortable with. If your consultant often gives you multiple languages for translation you can also add addtional translations in the customized fields. For example, your Quechua informants use Spanish for translations, then you can make all Translations in Spanish, and add an additional field for English if you want to generate a handout containing the datum.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "mask": "You feel like yelling at you all.",
          "encryptedValue": "You feel like yelling at you all.",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "You feel like yelling at you all.",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation"
      "validationStatus": "CheckedWithRicardo",
      "igtCache": {
        "tuples": [
            "utterance": "Qanta",
            "morphemes": "Qan-ta",
            "gloss": "you-ACC"
            "utterance": "Qankuna",
            "morphemes": "qan-kuna",
            "gloss": "you-PL-NOM"
            "utterance": "paqarinaykunkichis",
            "morphemes": "paqari-nay-kunkichis",
            "gloss": "yell-DES-refl.2PL"
        "parallelText": {
          "utterance": "Qanta Qankuna paqarinaykunkichis",
          "translation": "You feel like yelling at you all."
      "maxScore": 10.979033000000001,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "goal": "This data was collected by ME Cathcart for her dissertation \"Impulsatives: The syntax and semantics of involuntary desire\" for more of her data:",
      "comments": [
          "fieldDBtype": "Comment",
          "username": "quotecleaningbot",
          "text": "Hi\nJust a quick note to say that I automatically cleaned this datum. \n\nChanges:\n *  quote encoding problems `You feel like yelling at you all.’ -> You feel like yelling at you all.\n\nExplanation: I was asked by lingllama to come by and standardize quotes today. According to his corpus' convention, we don't need quotes in the translation field.",
          "timestamp": 1389642361894,
          "dateCreated": 1389642361894,
          "version": "v5.26.21"
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [
            "help": "You can use this field to be as precise as you would like about the dialect of this session.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Dialect",
            "mask": "Cusco Quechua",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Cusco Quechua",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dialect",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dialect"
            "help": "This is the langauge (or language family) if you would like to use it.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Language",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "language",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "language"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session took place.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateElicited",
            "mask": "Summer 2010",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Summer 2010",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateElicited",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateElicited"
            "help": "Put your team's data entry conventions here (if any)...",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "User",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "user",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "user"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session was entered.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateSEntered",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateSEntered",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateSEntered"
        "dateCreated": 1714651802804,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "consultants": "Lucia, Ricardo, Seberina",
      "tags": "Impulsative Person Agreement Reflexive",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "89bc4d7dcc2b1fc9a7bb0f4f4748e796"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "checked": true,
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "Use this field to establish your team's gramaticality/acceptablity judgements (*,#,? etc)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Judgement",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "Use this as Line 1 in your examples for handouts (ie, either Orthography, or phonemic/phonetic representation)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Utterance",
          "mask": "Noqata qan qaparinaywanki.",
          "encryptedValue": "Noqata qan qaparinaywanki.",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "Noqata qan qaparinaywanki.",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "This line is used to determine the morpheme segmentation to generate glosses, it also optionally can show up in your LaTeXed examples if you choose to show morpheme segmentation in addtion ot line 1, gloss and translation.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "mask": "Noqa-ta qan qapari-nay-wanki",
          "encryptedValue": "Noqa-ta qan qapari-nay-wanki",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "Noqa-ta qan qapari-nay-wanki",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "highlighted": [
            "Noqa-ta qan qapari-<em>nay</em>-wanki"
          "label": "morphemes",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "This line appears in the gloss line of your LaTeXed examples, we reccomend Leipzig conventions (. for fusional morphemes, - for morpehem boundaries etc) The system uses this line to partially help you in glossing.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "mask": "me-ACC you-NOM yell-DES-2SG.1OM",
          "encryptedValue": "me-ACC you-NOM yell-DES-2SG.1OM",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "me-ACC you-NOM yell-DES-2SG.1OM",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "highlighted": [
            "me-ACC you-NOM yell-<em>DES</em>-2SG.1OM"
          "label": "gloss",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "Use this as your primary translation. It does not need to be English, simply a language your team is comfortable with. If your consultant often gives you multiple languages for translation you can also add addtional translations in the customized fields. For example, your Quechua informants use Spanish for translations, then you can make all Translations in Spanish, and add an additional field for English if you want to generate a handout containing the datum.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "mask": "I feel like yelling at you.",
          "encryptedValue": "I feel like yelling at you.",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "I feel like yelling at you.",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation"
      "validationStatus": "CheckedWithSeberina",
      "igtCache": {
        "tuples": [
            "utterance": "Noqata",
            "morphemes": "Noqa-ta",
            "gloss": "me-ACC"
            "utterance": "qan",
            "morphemes": "qan",
            "gloss": "you-NOM"
            "utterance": "qaparinaywanki.",
            "morphemes": "qapari-nay-wanki",
            "gloss": "yell-DES-2SG.1OM"
        "parallelText": {
          "utterance": "Noqata qan qaparinaywanki.",
          "translation": "I feel like yelling at you."
      "maxScore": 10.979033000000001,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "goal": "This data was collected by ME Cathcart for her dissertation \"Impulsatives: The syntax and semantics of involuntary desire\" for more of her data:",
      "comments": [
          "fieldDBtype": "Comment",
          "username": "quotecleaningbot",
          "text": "Hi\nJust a quick note to say that I automatically cleaned this datum. \n\nChanges:\n *  quote encoding problems `I feel like yelling at you.’ -> I feel like yelling at you.\n\nExplanation: I was asked by lingllama to come by and standardize quotes today. According to his corpus' convention, we don't need quotes in the translation field.",
          "timestamp": 1389642361985,
          "dateCreated": 1389642361985,
          "version": "v5.26.21"
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [
            "help": "You can use this field to be as precise as you would like about the dialect of this session.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Dialect",
            "mask": "Cusco Quechua",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Cusco Quechua",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dialect",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dialect"
            "help": "This is the langauge (or language family) if you would like to use it.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Language",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "language",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "language"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session took place.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateElicited",
            "mask": "Summer 2010",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Summer 2010",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateElicited",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateElicited"
            "help": "Put your team's data entry conventions here (if any)...",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "User",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "user",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "user"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session was entered.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateSEntered",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateSEntered",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateSEntered"
        "dateCreated": 1714651802806,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "consultants": "Lucia, Ricardo, Seberina",
      "tags": "Impulsatives Person agreement",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "89bc4d7dcc2b1fc9a7bb0f4f474b20c4"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "Use this field to establish your team's gramaticality/acceptablity judgements (*,#,? etc)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Judgement",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "Use this as Line 1 in your examples for handouts (ie, either Orthography, or phonemic/phonetic representation)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Utterance",
          "mask": "Qanta pay qaparinaysunki.",
          "encryptedValue": "Qanta pay qaparinaysunki.",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "Qanta pay qaparinaysunki.",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "This line is used to determine the morpheme segmentation to generate glosses, it also optionally can show up in your LaTeXed examples if you choose to show morpheme segmentation in addtion ot line 1, gloss and translation.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "mask": "Qan-ta pay qapari-nay-sunki",
          "encryptedValue": "Qan-ta pay qapari-nay-sunki",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "Qan-ta pay qapari-nay-sunki",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "highlighted": [
            "Qan-ta pay qapari-<em>nay</em>-sunki"
          "label": "morphemes",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "This line appears in the gloss line of your LaTeXed examples, we reccomend Leipzig conventions (. for fusional morphemes, - for morpehem boundaries etc) The system uses this line to partially help you in glossing.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "mask": "you-ACC he-NOM yell-DES-3SG.2PLOM",
          "encryptedValue": "you-ACC he-NOM yell-DES-3SG.2PLOM",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "you-ACC he-NOM yell-DES-3SG.2PLOM",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "highlighted": [
            "you-ACC he-NOM yell-<em>DES</em>-3SG.2PLOM"
          "label": "gloss",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "Use this as your primary translation. It does not need to be English, simply a language your team is comfortable with. If your consultant often gives you multiple languages for translation you can also add addtional translations in the customized fields. For example, your Quechua informants use Spanish for translations, then you can make all Translations in Spanish, and add an additional field for English if you want to generate a handout containing the datum.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "mask": "You feel like yelling at him.",
          "encryptedValue": "You feel like yelling at him.",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "You feel like yelling at him.",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation"
      "validationStatus": "CheckedWithRicardo",
      "igtCache": {
        "tuples": [
            "utterance": "Qanta",
            "morphemes": "Qan-ta",
            "gloss": "you-ACC"
            "utterance": "pay",
            "morphemes": "pay",
            "gloss": "he-NOM"
            "utterance": "qaparinaysunki.",
            "morphemes": "qapari-nay-sunki",
            "gloss": "yell-DES-3SG.2PLOM"
        "parallelText": {
          "utterance": "Qanta pay qaparinaysunki.",
          "translation": "You feel like yelling at him."
      "maxScore": 10.979033000000001,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "goal": "This data was collected by ME Cathcart for her dissertation \"Impulsatives: The syntax and semantics of involuntary desire\" for more of her data:",
      "comments": [
          "fieldDBtype": "Comment",
          "username": "quotecleaningbot",
          "text": "Hi\nJust a quick note to say that I automatically cleaned this datum. \n\nChanges:\n *  quote encoding problems `You feel like yelling at him.’ -> You feel like yelling at him.\n\nExplanation: I was asked by lingllama to come by and standardize quotes today. According to his corpus' convention, we don't need quotes in the translation field.",
          "timestamp": 1389642361898,
          "dateCreated": 1389642361898,
          "version": "v5.26.21"
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [
            "help": "You can use this field to be as precise as you would like about the dialect of this session.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Dialect",
            "mask": "Cusco Quechua",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Cusco Quechua",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dialect",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dialect"
            "help": "This is the langauge (or language family) if you would like to use it.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Language",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "language",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "language"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session took place.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateElicited",
            "mask": "Summer 2010",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Summer 2010",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateElicited",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateElicited"
            "help": "Put your team's data entry conventions here (if any)...",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "User",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "user",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "user"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session was entered.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateSEntered",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateSEntered",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateSEntered"
        "dateCreated": 1714651802808,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "consultants": "Lucia, Ricardo, Seberina",
      "tags": "Impulsative Person Agreement",
      "notesFromOldDB": "I think Seberina rejected this one",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "89bc4d7dcc2b1fc9a7bb0f4f47491ff8"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "Use this field to establish your team's gramaticality/acceptablity judgements (*,#,? etc)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Judgement",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "Use this as Line 1 in your examples for handouts (ie, either Orthography, or phonemic/phonetic representation)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Utterance",
          "mask": "Noqata pisillata tusunaywan",
          "encryptedValue": "Noqata pisillata tusunaywan",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "Noqata pisillata tusunaywan",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "This line is used to determine the morpheme segmentation to generate glosses, it also optionally can show up in your LaTeXed examples if you choose to show morpheme segmentation in addtion ot line 1, gloss and translation.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "mask": "Noqa-ta pisi-lla-ta tusu-nay-wa-n",
          "encryptedValue": "Noqa-ta pisi-lla-ta tusu-nay-wa-n",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "Noqa-ta pisi-lla-ta tusu-nay-wa-n",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "highlighted": [
            "Noqa-ta pisi-lla-ta tusu-<em>nay</em>-wa-n"
          "label": "morphemes",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "This line appears in the gloss line of your LaTeXed examples, we reccomend Leipzig conventions (. for fusional morphemes, - for morpehem boundaries etc) The system uses this line to partially help you in glossing.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "mask": "I-ACC little dance-DES-1OM-3SG",
          "encryptedValue": "I-ACC little dance-DES-1OM-3SG",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "I-ACC little dance-DES-1OM-3SG",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "highlighted": [
            "I-ACC little dance-<em>DES</em>-1OM-3SG"
          "label": "gloss",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "Use this as your primary translation. It does not need to be English, simply a language your team is comfortable with. If your consultant often gives you multiple languages for translation you can also add addtional translations in the customized fields. For example, your Quechua informants use Spanish for translations, then you can make all Translations in Spanish, and add an additional field for English if you want to generate a handout containing the datum.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "mask": "I feel like dancing a lot.",
          "encryptedValue": "I feel like dancing a lot.",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "I feel like dancing a lot.",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation"
      "validationStatus": "CheckedWithRicardo",
      "igtCache": {
        "tuples": [
            "utterance": "Noqata",
            "morphemes": "Noqa-ta",
            "gloss": "I-ACC"
            "utterance": "pisillata",
            "morphemes": "pisi-lla-ta",
            "gloss": "little"
            "utterance": "tusunaywan",
            "morphemes": "tusu-nay-wa-n",
            "gloss": "dance-DES-1OM-3SG"
        "parallelText": {
          "utterance": "Noqata pisillata tusunaywan",
          "translation": "I feel like dancing a lot."
      "maxScore": 10.979033000000001,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "goal": "This data was collected by ME Cathcart for her dissertation \"Impulsatives: The syntax and semantics of involuntary desire\" for more of her data:",
      "comments": [
          "fieldDBtype": "Comment",
          "username": "quotecleaningbot",
          "text": "Hi\nJust a quick note to say that I automatically cleaned this datum. \n\nChanges:\n *  quote encoding problems `I feel like dancing a lot.' -> I feel like dancing a lot.\n\nExplanation: I was asked by lingllama to come by and standardize quotes today. According to his corpus' convention, we don't need quotes in the translation field.",
          "timestamp": 1389642361714,
          "dateCreated": 1389642361714,
          "version": "v5.26.21"
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [
            "help": "You can use this field to be as precise as you would like about the dialect of this session.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Dialect",
            "mask": "Cusco Quechua",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Cusco Quechua",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dialect",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dialect"
            "help": "This is the langauge (or language family) if you would like to use it.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Language",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "language",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "language"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session took place.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateElicited",
            "mask": "Summer 2010",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Summer 2010",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateElicited",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateElicited"
            "help": "Put your team's data entry conventions here (if any)...",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "User",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "user",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "user"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session was entered.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateSEntered",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateSEntered",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateSEntered"
        "dateCreated": 1714651802811,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "consultants": "Lucia, Ricardo, Seberina",
      "tags": "ambiguous",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "89bc4d7dcc2b1fc9a7bb0f4f4745baeb"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "Use this field to establish your team's gramaticality/acceptablity judgements (*,#,? etc)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Judgement",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "Use this as Line 1 in your examples for handouts (ie, either Orthography, or phonemic/phonetic representation)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Utterance",
          "mask": "Qaynap'unchaw lloqsinaywaran khunan p'unchaw*(paq)",
          "encryptedValue": "Qaynap'unchaw lloqsinaywaran khunan p'unchaw*(paq)",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "Qaynap'unchaw lloqsinaywaran khunan p'unchaw*(paq)",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "This line is used to determine the morpheme segmentation to generate glosses, it also optionally can show up in your LaTeXed examples if you choose to show morpheme segmentation in addtion ot line 1, gloss and translation.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "mask": "Qaynap'unchaw lloqsi-nay-wa-ra-n khunan p'unchaw(paq)",
          "encryptedValue": "Qaynap'unchaw lloqsi-nay-wa-ra-n khunan p'unchaw(paq)",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "Qaynap'unchaw lloqsi-nay-wa-ra-n khunan p'unchaw(paq)",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "highlighted": [
            "Qaynap'unchaw lloqsi-<em>nay</em>-wa-ra-n khunan p'unchaw(paq)"
          "label": "morphemes",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "This line appears in the gloss line of your LaTeXed examples, we reccomend Leipzig conventions (. for fusional morphemes, - for morpehem boundaries etc) The system uses this line to partially help you in glossing.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "mask": "Yesterday go.out-DES-1OM-3SG now day.for",
          "encryptedValue": "Yesterday go.out-DES-1OM-3SG now day.for",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "Yesterday go.out-DES-1OM-3SG now day.for",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "highlighted": [
            "Yesterday go.out-<em>DES</em>-1OM-3SG now day.for"
          "label": "gloss",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "Use this as your primary translation. It does not need to be English, simply a language your team is comfortable with. If your consultant often gives you multiple languages for translation you can also add addtional translations in the customized fields. For example, your Quechua informants use Spanish for translations, then you can make all Translations in Spanish, and add an additional field for English if you want to generate a handout containing the datum.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "mask": "Yesterday, I felt like going out for today.",
          "encryptedValue": "Yesterday, I felt like going out for today.",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "Yesterday, I felt like going out for today.",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation"
      "validationStatus": "CheckedWithRicardo",
      "igtCache": {
        "tuples": [
            "utterance": "Qaynap'unchaw",
            "morphemes": "Qaynap'unchaw",
            "gloss": "Yesterday"
            "utterance": "lloqsinaywaran",
            "morphemes": "lloqsi-nay-wa-ra-n",
            "gloss": "go.out-DES-1OM-3SG"
            "utterance": "khunan",
            "morphemes": "khunan",
            "gloss": "now"
            "utterance": "p'unchaw*(paq)",
            "morphemes": "p'unchaw(paq)",
            "gloss": "day.for"
        "parallelText": {
          "utterance": "Qaynap'unchaw lloqsinaywaran khunan p'unchaw*(paq)",
          "translation": "Yesterday, I felt like going out for today."
      "maxScore": 10.979033000000001,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "goal": "This data was collected by ME Cathcart for her dissertation \"Impulsatives: The syntax and semantics of involuntary desire\" for more of her data:",
      "comments": [
          "fieldDBtype": "Comment",
          "username": "quotecleaningbot",
          "text": "Hi\nJust a quick note to say that I automatically cleaned this datum. \n\nChanges:\n *  quote encoding problems `Yesterday, I felt like going out for today.' -> Yesterday, I felt like going out for today.\n\nExplanation: I was asked by lingllama to come by and standardize quotes today. According to his corpus' convention, we don't need quotes in the translation field.",
          "timestamp": 1389642361685,
          "dateCreated": 1389642361685,
          "version": "v5.26.21"
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [
            "help": "You can use this field to be as precise as you would like about the dialect of this session.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Dialect",
            "mask": "Cusco Quechua",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Cusco Quechua",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dialect",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dialect"
            "help": "This is the langauge (or language family) if you would like to use it.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Language",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "language",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "language"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session took place.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateElicited",
            "mask": "Summer 2010",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Summer 2010",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateElicited",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateElicited"
            "help": "Put your team's data entry conventions here (if any)...",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "User",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "user",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "user"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session was entered.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateSEntered",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateSEntered",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateSEntered"
        "dateCreated": 1714651802813,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "consultants": "Lucia, Ricardo, Seberina",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "89bc4d7dcc2b1fc9a7bb0f4f4745366f"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "Use this field to establish your team's gramaticality/acceptablity judgements (*,#,? etc)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Judgement",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "Use this as Line 1 in your examples for handouts (ie, either Orthography, or phonemic/phonetic representation)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Utterance",
          "mask": "Wesq'anaywan (punqota)",
          "encryptedValue": "Wesq'anaywan (punqota)",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "Wesq'anaywan (punqota)",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "This line is used to determine the morpheme segmentation to generate glosses, it also optionally can show up in your LaTeXed examples if you choose to show morpheme segmentation in addtion ot line 1, gloss and translation.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "mask": "Wesq'a-nay-wa-n (punqo-ta)",
          "encryptedValue": "Wesq'a-nay-wa-n (punqo-ta)",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "Wesq'a-nay-wa-n (punqo-ta)",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "highlighted": [
            "Wesq'a-<em>nay</em>-wa-n (punqo-ta)"
          "label": "morphemes",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "This line appears in the gloss line of your LaTeXed examples, we reccomend Leipzig conventions (. for fusional morphemes, - for morpehem boundaries etc) The system uses this line to partially help you in glossing.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "mask": "close-DES-1OM-3SG door-ACC",
          "encryptedValue": "close-DES-1OM-3SG door-ACC",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "close-DES-1OM-3SG door-ACC",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "highlighted": [
            "close-<em>DES</em>-1OM-3SG door-ACC"
          "label": "gloss",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "Use this as your primary translation. It does not need to be English, simply a language your team is comfortable with. If your consultant often gives you multiple languages for translation you can also add addtional translations in the customized fields. For example, your Quechua informants use Spanish for translations, then you can make all Translations in Spanish, and add an additional field for English if you want to generate a handout containing the datum.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "mask": "I feel like closing the door.",
          "encryptedValue": "I feel like closing the door.",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "I feel like closing the door.",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation"
      "validationStatus": "CheckedWithSeberina",
      "igtCache": {
        "tuples": [
            "utterance": "Wesq'anaywan",
            "morphemes": "Wesq'a-nay-wa-n",
            "gloss": "close-DES-1OM-3SG"
            "utterance": "(punqota)",
            "morphemes": "(punqo-ta)",
            "gloss": "door-ACC"
        "parallelText": {
          "utterance": "Wesq'anaywan (punqota)",
          "translation": "I feel like closing the door."
      "maxScore": 10.979033000000001,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "goal": "This data was collected by ME Cathcart for her dissertation \"Impulsatives: The syntax and semantics of involuntary desire\" for more of her data:",
      "comments": [
          "fieldDBtype": "Comment",
          "username": "quotecleaningbot",
          "text": "Hi\nJust a quick note to say that I automatically cleaned this datum. \n\nChanges:\n *  quote encoding problems `I feel like closing the door.’ -> I feel like closing the door.\n *  quote encoding problems Wesq’a-nay-wa-n (punqo-ta) -> Wesq'a-nay-wa-n (punqo-ta)\n *  quote encoding problems Wesq’anaywan (punqota) -> Wesq'anaywan (punqota)\n\nExplanation: I was asked by lingllama to come by and standardize quotes today. According to his corpus' convention, we don't need quotes in the translation field.",
          "timestamp": 1389642361835,
          "dateCreated": 1389642361835,
          "version": "v5.26.21"
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [
            "help": "You can use this field to be as precise as you would like about the dialect of this session.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Dialect",
            "mask": "Cusco Quechua",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Cusco Quechua",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dialect",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dialect"
            "help": "This is the langauge (or language family) if you would like to use it.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Language",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "language",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "language"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session took place.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateElicited",
            "mask": "Summer 2010",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Summer 2010",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateElicited",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateElicited"
            "help": "Put your team's data entry conventions here (if any)...",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "User",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "user",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "user"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session was entered.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateSEntered",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateSEntered",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateSEntered"
        "dateCreated": 1714651802815,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "consultants": "Lucia, Ricardo, Seberina",
      "tags": "Verbal restrictions Causative",
      "notesFromOldDB": "all arguments are understood",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "89bc4d7dcc2b1fc9a7bb0f4f474795fb"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "Use this field to establish your team's gramaticality/acceptablity judgements (*,#,? etc)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Judgement",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "Use this as Line 1 in your examples for handouts (ie, either Orthography, or phonemic/phonetic representation)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Utterance",
          "mask": "Payta suwanaywaran chei obejeta",
          "encryptedValue": "Payta suwanaywaran chei obejeta",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "Payta suwanaywaran chei obejeta",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "This line is used to determine the morpheme segmentation to generate glosses, it also optionally can show up in your LaTeXed examples if you choose to show morpheme segmentation in addtion ot line 1, gloss and translation.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "mask": "Pay-ta suwa-nay-wa-ra-n chei obeje-ta",
          "encryptedValue": "Pay-ta suwa-nay-wa-ra-n chei obeje-ta",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "Pay-ta suwa-nay-wa-ra-n chei obeje-ta",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "highlighted": [
            "Pay-ta suwa-<em>nay</em>-wa-ra-n chei obeje-ta"
          "label": "morphemes",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "This line appears in the gloss line of your LaTeXed examples, we reccomend Leipzig conventions (. for fusional morphemes, - for morpehem boundaries etc) The system uses this line to partially help you in glossing.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "mask": "he-ACC steal-DES-1ob.pst.3SG that sheep-ACC",
          "encryptedValue": "he-ACC steal-DES-1ob.pst.3SG that sheep-ACC",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "he-ACC steal-DES-1ob.pst.3SG that sheep-ACC",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "highlighted": [
            "he-ACC steal-<em>DES</em>-1ob.pst.3SG that sheep-ACC"
          "label": "gloss",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "Use this as your primary translation. It does not need to be English, simply a language your team is comfortable with. If your consultant often gives you multiple languages for translation you can also add addtional translations in the customized fields. For example, your Quechua informants use Spanish for translations, then you can make all Translations in Spanish, and add an additional field for English if you want to generate a handout containing the datum.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "mask": "He feels like stealing that sheep",
          "encryptedValue": "He feels like stealing that sheep",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "He feels like stealing that sheep",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation"
      "modifiedByUser": "public, lingllama",
      "validationStatus": "ToBeCheckedWithSeberina, CheckedWithLucia",
      "igtCache": {
        "tuples": [
            "utterance": "Payta",
            "morphemes": "Pay-ta",
            "gloss": "he-ACC"
            "utterance": "suwanaywaran",
            "morphemes": "suwa-nay-wa-ra-n",
            "gloss": "steal-DES-1ob.pst.3SG"
            "utterance": "chei",
            "morphemes": "chei",
            "gloss": "that"
            "utterance": "obejeta",
            "morphemes": "obeje-ta",
            "gloss": "sheep-ACC"
        "parallelText": {
          "utterance": "Payta suwanaywaran chei obejeta",
          "translation": "He feels like stealing that sheep"
      "maxScore": 10.979033000000001,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "goal": "This data was collected by ME Cathcart for her dissertation \"Impulsatives: The syntax and semantics of involuntary desire\" for more of her data:",
      "comments": [
          "fieldDBtype": "Comment",
          "username": "public",
          "text": "Now data with more than 3 words show up in their IGT form (if you have utterance, morphemes, gloss) so it's easier to work on long sentences. ",
          "timestamp": 1390772056320,
          "dateCreated": 1390772056320,
          "version": "v5.26.21"
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [
            "help": "You can use this field to be as precise as you would like about the dialect of this session.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Dialect",
            "mask": "Cusco Quechua",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Cusco Quechua",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dialect",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dialect"
            "help": "This is the langauge (or language family) if you would like to use it.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Language",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "language",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "language"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session took place.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateElicited",
            "mask": "Summer 2010",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Summer 2010",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateElicited",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateElicited"
            "help": "Put your team's data entry conventions here (if any)...",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "User",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "user",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "user"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session was entered.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateSEntered",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateSEntered",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateSEntered"
        "dateCreated": 1714651802818,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "consultants": "Lucia, Ricardo, Seberina",
      "tags": "Impulsative",
      "notesFromOldDB": "why first person object marking?",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "89bc4d7dcc2b1fc9a7bb0f4f474ad284"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "Use this field to establish your team's gramaticality/acceptablity judgements (*,#,? etc)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Judgement",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "Use this as Line 1 in your examples for handouts (ie, either Orthography, or phonemic/phonetic representation)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Utterance",
          "mask": "Manan noqata llank'anaywanchu",
          "encryptedValue": "Manan noqata llank'anaywanchu",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "Manan noqata llank'anaywanchu",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "This line is used to determine the morpheme segmentation to generate glosses, it also optionally can show up in your LaTeXed examples if you choose to show morpheme segmentation in addtion ot line 1, gloss and translation.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "mask": "Manan noqa-ta llank'a-nay-wa-n-chu",
          "encryptedValue": "Manan noqa-ta llank'a-nay-wa-n-chu",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "Manan noqa-ta llank'a-nay-wa-n-chu",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "highlighted": [
            "Manan noqa-ta llank'a-<em>nay</em>-wa-n-chu"
          "label": "morphemes",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "This line appears in the gloss line of your LaTeXed examples, we reccomend Leipzig conventions (. for fusional morphemes, - for morpehem boundaries etc) The system uses this line to partially help you in glossing.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "mask": "no I-ACC work-DES-1OM-3SG.not",
          "encryptedValue": "no I-ACC work-DES-1OM-3SG.not",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "no I-ACC work-DES-1OM-3SG.not",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "highlighted": [
            "no I-ACC work-<em>DES</em>-1OM-3SG.not"
          "label": "gloss",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "Use this as your primary translation. It does not need to be English, simply a language your team is comfortable with. If your consultant often gives you multiple languages for translation you can also add addtional translations in the customized fields. For example, your Quechua informants use Spanish for translations, then you can make all Translations in Spanish, and add an additional field for English if you want to generate a handout containing the datum.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "mask": "I don't feel like working. I feel like not working.",
          "encryptedValue": "I don't feel like working. I feel like not working.",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "I don't feel like working. I feel like not working.",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation"
      "validationStatus": "CheckedWithRicardo",
      "igtCache": {
        "tuples": [
            "utterance": "Manan",
            "morphemes": "Manan",
            "gloss": "no"
            "utterance": "noqata",
            "morphemes": "noqa-ta",
            "gloss": "I-ACC"
            "utterance": "llank'anaywanchu",
            "morphemes": "llank'a-nay-wa-n-chu",
            "gloss": "work-DES-1OM-3SG.not"
        "parallelText": {
          "utterance": "Manan noqata llank'anaywanchu",
          "translation": "I don't feel like working. I feel like not working."
      "maxScore": 10.979033000000001,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "goal": "This data was collected by ME Cathcart for her dissertation \"Impulsatives: The syntax and semantics of involuntary desire\" for more of her data:",
      "comments": [
          "fieldDBtype": "Comment",
          "username": "quotecleaningbot",
          "text": "Hi\nJust a quick note to say that I automatically cleaned this datum. \n\nChanges:\n *  quote encoding problems `I don't feel like working.' `I feel like not working.' -> I don't feel like working. I feel like not working.\n\nExplanation: I was asked by lingllama to come by and standardize quotes today. According to his corpus' convention, we don't need quotes in the translation field.",
          "timestamp": 1389642361649,
          "dateCreated": 1389642361649,
          "version": "v5.26.21"
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [
            "help": "You can use this field to be as precise as you would like about the dialect of this session.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Dialect",
            "mask": "Cusco Quechua",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Cusco Quechua",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dialect",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dialect"
            "help": "This is the langauge (or language family) if you would like to use it.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Language",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "language",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "language"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session took place.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateElicited",
            "mask": "Summer 2010",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Summer 2010",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateElicited",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateElicited"
            "help": "Put your team's data entry conventions here (if any)...",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "User",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "user",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "user"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session was entered.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateSEntered",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateSEntered",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateSEntered"
        "dateCreated": 1714651802820,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "consultants": "Lucia, Ricardo, Seberina",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "89bc4d7dcc2b1fc9a7bb0f4f4744cf83"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "Use this field to establish your team's gramaticality/acceptablity judgements (*,#,? etc)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Judgement",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "Use this as Line 1 in your examples for handouts (ie, either Orthography, or phonemic/phonetic representation)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Utterance",
          "mask": "p'akinaywan punqota",
          "encryptedValue": "p'akinaywan punqota",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "p'akinaywan punqota",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "This line is used to determine the morpheme segmentation to generate glosses, it also optionally can show up in your LaTeXed examples if you choose to show morpheme segmentation in addtion ot line 1, gloss and translation.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "mask": "p'aki-nay-wa-n punqo-ta",
          "encryptedValue": "p'aki-nay-wa-n punqo-ta",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "p'aki-nay-wa-n punqo-ta",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "highlighted": [
            "p'aki-<em>nay</em>-wa-n punqo-ta"
          "label": "morphemes",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "This line appears in the gloss line of your LaTeXed examples, we reccomend Leipzig conventions (. for fusional morphemes, - for morpehem boundaries etc) The system uses this line to partially help you in glossing.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "mask": "break-DES-1OM-3SG door-ACC",
          "encryptedValue": "break-DES-1OM-3SG door-ACC",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "break-DES-1OM-3SG door-ACC",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "highlighted": [
            "break-<em>DES</em>-1OM-3SG door-ACC"
          "label": "gloss",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "Use this as your primary translation. It does not need to be English, simply a language your team is comfortable with. If your consultant often gives you multiple languages for translation you can also add addtional translations in the customized fields. For example, your Quechua informants use Spanish for translations, then you can make all Translations in Spanish, and add an additional field for English if you want to generate a handout containing the datum.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "mask": "I feel like breaking the door.",
          "encryptedValue": "I feel like breaking the door.",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "I feel like breaking the door.",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation"
      "validationStatus": "CheckedWithSeberina",
      "igtCache": {
        "tuples": [
            "utterance": "p'akinaywan",
            "morphemes": "p'aki-nay-wa-n",
            "gloss": "break-DES-1OM-3SG"
            "utterance": "punqota",
            "morphemes": "punqo-ta",
            "gloss": "door-ACC"
        "parallelText": {
          "utterance": "p'akinaywan punqota",
          "translation": "I feel like breaking the door."
      "maxScore": 10.979033000000001,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "goal": "This data was collected by ME Cathcart for her dissertation \"Impulsatives: The syntax and semantics of involuntary desire\" for more of her data:",
      "comments": [
          "fieldDBtype": "Comment",
          "username": "quotecleaningbot",
          "text": "Hi\nJust a quick note to say that I automatically cleaned this datum. \n\nChanges:\n *  quote encoding problems `I feel like breaking the door.’ -> I feel like breaking the door.\n *  quote encoding problems p’aki-nay-wa-n punqo-ta -> p'aki-nay-wa-n punqo-ta\n *  quote encoding problems p’akinaywan punqota -> p'akinaywan punqota\n\nExplanation: I was asked by lingllama to come by and standardize quotes today. According to his corpus' convention, we don't need quotes in the translation field.",
          "timestamp": 1389642361820,
          "dateCreated": 1389642361820,
          "version": "v5.26.21"
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [
            "help": "You can use this field to be as precise as you would like about the dialect of this session.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Dialect",
            "mask": "Cusco Quechua",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Cusco Quechua",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dialect",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dialect"
            "help": "This is the langauge (or language family) if you would like to use it.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Language",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "language",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "language"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session took place.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateElicited",
            "mask": "Summer 2010",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Summer 2010",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateElicited",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateElicited"
            "help": "Put your team's data entry conventions here (if any)...",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "User",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "user",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "user"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session was entered.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateSEntered",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateSEntered",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateSEntered"
        "dateCreated": 1714651802822,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "consultants": "Lucia, Ricardo, Seberina",
      "tags": "Verbal restrictions Resultative",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "89bc4d7dcc2b1fc9a7bb0f4f47476a4b"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "Use this field to establish your team's gramaticality/acceptablity judgements (*,#,? etc)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Judgement",
          "mask": "*",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "*",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "Use this as Line 1 in your examples for handouts (ie, either Orthography, or phonemic/phonetic representation)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Utterance",
          "mask": "Noqata qanta qaparinaywanki.",
          "encryptedValue": "Noqata qanta qaparinaywanki.",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "Noqata qanta qaparinaywanki.",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "This line is used to determine the morpheme segmentation to generate glosses, it also optionally can show up in your LaTeXed examples if you choose to show morpheme segmentation in addtion ot line 1, gloss and translation.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "mask": "Noqa-ta qan-ta qapari-nay-wanki",
          "encryptedValue": "Noqa-ta qan-ta qapari-nay-wanki",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "Noqa-ta qan-ta qapari-nay-wanki",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "highlighted": [
            "Noqa-ta qan-ta qapari-<em>nay</em>-wanki"
          "label": "morphemes",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "This line appears in the gloss line of your LaTeXed examples, we reccomend Leipzig conventions (. for fusional morphemes, - for morpehem boundaries etc) The system uses this line to partially help you in glossing.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "mask": "me-ACC you-ACC yell-DES-2SG.1SGOM",
          "encryptedValue": "me-ACC you-ACC yell-DES-2SG.1SGOM",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "me-ACC you-ACC yell-DES-2SG.1SGOM",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "highlighted": [
            "me-ACC you-ACC yell-<em>DES</em>-2SG.1SGOM"
          "label": "gloss",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "Use this as your primary translation. It does not need to be English, simply a language your team is comfortable with. If your consultant often gives you multiple languages for translation you can also add addtional translations in the customized fields. For example, your Quechua informants use Spanish for translations, then you can make all Translations in Spanish, and add an additional field for English if you want to generate a handout containing the datum.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "mask": "I feel like yelling at you.",
          "encryptedValue": "I feel like yelling at you.",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "I feel like yelling at you.",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation"
      "modifiedByUser": "lingllama",
      "validationStatus": "CheckedWithRicardo",
      "igtCache": {
        "tuples": [
            "utterance": "Noqata",
            "morphemes": "Noqa-ta",
            "gloss": "me-ACC"
            "utterance": "qanta",
            "morphemes": "qan-ta",
            "gloss": "you-ACC"
            "utterance": "qaparinaywanki.",
            "morphemes": "qapari-nay-wanki",
            "gloss": "yell-DES-2SG.1SGOM"
        "parallelText": {
          "utterance": "Noqata qanta qaparinaywanki.",
          "translation": "I feel like yelling at you."
      "maxScore": 10.979033000000001,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "goal": "This data was collected by ME Cathcart for her dissertation \"Impulsatives: The syntax and semantics of involuntary desire\" for more of her data:",
      "comments": [],
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [
            "help": "You can use this field to be as precise as you would like about the dialect of this session.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Dialect",
            "mask": "Cusco Quechua",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Cusco Quechua",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dialect",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dialect"
            "help": "This is the langauge (or language family) if you would like to use it.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Language",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "language",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "language"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session took place.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateElicited",
            "mask": "Summer 2010",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Summer 2010",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateElicited",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateElicited"
            "help": "Put your team's data entry conventions here (if any)...",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "User",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "user",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "user"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session was entered.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateSEntered",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateSEntered",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateSEntered"
        "dateCreated": 1714651802824,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "consultants": "Lucia, Ricardo, Seberina",
      "tags": "Impulsative, Person, agreement",
      "notesFromOldDB": "Seberina accepted this",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "89bc4d7dcc2b1fc9a7bb0f4f4749f94d"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "Use this field to establish your team's gramaticality/acceptablity judgements (*,#,? etc)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Judgement",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "Use this as Line 1 in your examples for handouts (ie, either Orthography, or phonemic/phonetic representation)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Utterance",
          "mask": "Qanta erqe qaparinaysunkichis",
          "encryptedValue": "Qanta erqe qaparinaysunkichis",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "Qanta erqe qaparinaysunkichis",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "This line is used to determine the morpheme segmentation to generate glosses, it also optionally can show up in your LaTeXed examples if you choose to show morpheme segmentation in addtion ot line 1, gloss and translation.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "mask": "Qan-ta erqe qapari-nay-sunkichis",
          "encryptedValue": "Qan-ta erqe qapari-nay-sunkichis",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "Qan-ta erqe qapari-nay-sunkichis",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "highlighted": [
            "Qan-ta erqe qapari-<em>nay</em>-sunkichis"
          "label": "morphemes",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "This line appears in the gloss line of your LaTeXed examples, we reccomend Leipzig conventions (. for fusional morphemes, - for morpehem boundaries etc) The system uses this line to partially help you in glossing.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "mask": "you-ACC child-NOM yell-DES-3PL.2PLOM",
          "encryptedValue": "you-ACC child-NOM yell-DES-3PL.2PLOM",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "you-ACC child-NOM yell-DES-3PL.2PLOM",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "highlighted": [
            "you-ACC child-NOM yell-<em>DES</em>-3PL.2PLOM"
          "label": "gloss",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "Use this as your primary translation. It does not need to be English, simply a language your team is comfortable with. If your consultant often gives you multiple languages for translation you can also add addtional translations in the customized fields. For example, your Quechua informants use Spanish for translations, then you can make all Translations in Spanish, and add an additional field for English if you want to generate a handout containing the datum.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "mask": "You feel like yelling at the child.",
          "encryptedValue": "You feel like yelling at the child.",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "You feel like yelling at the child.",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation"
      "modifiedByUser": "lingllama, public",
      "validationStatus": "CheckedWithSeberina",
      "igtCache": {
        "tuples": [
            "utterance": "Qanta",
            "morphemes": "Qan-ta",
            "gloss": "you-ACC"
            "utterance": "erqe",
            "morphemes": "erqe",
            "gloss": "child-NOM"
            "utterance": "qaparinaysunkichis",
            "morphemes": "qapari-nay-sunkichis",
            "gloss": "yell-DES-3PL.2PLOM"
        "parallelText": {
          "utterance": "Qanta erqe qaparinaysunkichis",
          "translation": "You feel like yelling at the child."
      "maxScore": 10.979033000000001,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "goal": "This data was collected by ME Cathcart for her dissertation \"Impulsatives: The syntax and semantics of involuntary desire\" for more of her data:",
      "comments": [
          "fieldDBtype": "Comment",
          "username": "quotecleaningbot",
          "text": "Hi\nJust a quick note to say that I automatically cleaned this datum. \n\nChanges:\n *  quote encoding problems `You feel like yelling at the child.’ -> You feel like yelling at the child.\n\nExplanation: I was asked by lingllama to come by and standardize quotes today. According to his corpus' convention, we don't need quotes in the translation field.",
          "timestamp": 1389642361950,
          "dateCreated": 1389642361950,
          "version": "v5.26.21"
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [
            "help": "You can use this field to be as precise as you would like about the dialect of this session.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Dialect",
            "mask": "Cusco Quechua",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Cusco Quechua",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dialect",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dialect"
            "help": "This is the langauge (or language family) if you would like to use it.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Language",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "language",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "language"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session took place.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateElicited",
            "mask": "Summer 2010",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Summer 2010",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateElicited",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateElicited"
            "help": "Put your team's data entry conventions here (if any)...",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "User",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "user",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "user"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session was entered.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateSEntered",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateSEntered",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateSEntered"
        "dateCreated": 1714651802826,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "consultants": "Lucia, Ricardo, Seberina",
      "tags": "Impulsative, Person, agreement",
      "notesFromOldDB": "PL marking??",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "89bc4d7dcc2b1fc9a7bb0f4f474a4e31"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "Use this field to establish your team's gramaticality/acceptablity judgements (*,#,? etc)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Judgement",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "Use this as Line 1 in your examples for handouts (ie, either Orthography, or phonemic/phonetic representation)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Utterance",
          "mask": "Qanta noqayku paqarinaykiku",
          "encryptedValue": "Qanta noqayku paqarinaykiku",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "Qanta noqayku paqarinaykiku",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "This line is used to determine the morpheme segmentation to generate glosses, it also optionally can show up in your LaTeXed examples if you choose to show morpheme segmentation in addtion ot line 1, gloss and translation.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "mask": "Qan-ta noqa-yku paqari-nay-kiku",
          "encryptedValue": "Qan-ta noqa-yku paqari-nay-kiku",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "Qan-ta noqa-yku paqari-nay-kiku",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "highlighted": [
            "Qan-ta noqa-yku paqari-<em>nay</em>-kiku"
          "label": "morphemes",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "This line appears in the gloss line of your LaTeXed examples, we reccomend Leipzig conventions (. for fusional morphemes, - for morpehem boundaries etc) The system uses this line to partially help you in glossing.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "mask": "you-ACC me-PL.ex. yell-DES-1PL.ex.2SGOM",
          "encryptedValue": "you-ACC me-PL.ex. yell-DES-1PL.ex.2SGOM",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "you-ACC me-PL.ex. yell-DES-1PL.ex.2SGOM",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "highlighted": [
            "you-ACC me-PL.ex. yell-<em>DES</em>-1PL.ex.2SGOM"
          "label": "gloss",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "Use this as your primary translation. It does not need to be English, simply a language your team is comfortable with. If your consultant often gives you multiple languages for translation you can also add addtional translations in the customized fields. For example, your Quechua informants use Spanish for translations, then you can make all Translations in Spanish, and add an additional field for English if you want to generate a handout containing the datum.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "mask": "You feel like yelling at us",
          "encryptedValue": "You feel like yelling at us",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "You feel like yelling at us",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation"
      "validationStatus": "CheckedWithRicardo",
      "igtCache": {
        "tuples": [
            "utterance": "Qanta",
            "morphemes": "Qan-ta",
            "gloss": "you-ACC"
            "utterance": "noqayku",
            "morphemes": "noqa-yku",
            "gloss": "me-PL.ex."
            "utterance": "paqarinaykiku",
            "morphemes": "paqari-nay-kiku",
            "gloss": "yell-DES-1PL.ex.2SGOM"
        "parallelText": {
          "utterance": "Qanta noqayku paqarinaykiku",
          "translation": "You feel like yelling at us"
      "maxScore": 10.979033000000001,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "goal": "This data was collected by ME Cathcart for her dissertation \"Impulsatives: The syntax and semantics of involuntary desire\" for more of her data:",
      "comments": [
          "fieldDBtype": "Comment",
          "username": "quotecleaningbot",
          "text": "Hi\nJust a quick note to say that I automatically cleaned this datum. \n\nChanges:\n *  quote encoding problems `You feel like yelling at us’ -> You feel like yelling at us\n\nExplanation: I was asked by lingllama to come by and standardize quotes today. According to his corpus' convention, we don't need quotes in the translation field.",
          "timestamp": 1389642361891,
          "dateCreated": 1389642361891,
          "version": "v5.26.21"
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [
            "help": "You can use this field to be as precise as you would like about the dialect of this session.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Dialect",
            "mask": "Cusco Quechua",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Cusco Quechua",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dialect",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dialect"
            "help": "This is the langauge (or language family) if you would like to use it.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Language",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "language",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "language"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session took place.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateElicited",
            "mask": "Summer 2010",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Summer 2010",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateElicited",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateElicited"
            "help": "Put your team's data entry conventions here (if any)...",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "User",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "user",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "user"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session was entered.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateSEntered",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateSEntered",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateSEntered"
        "dateCreated": 1714651802828,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "consultants": "Lucia, Ricardo, Seberina",
      "tags": "Impulsative Person Agreement",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "89bc4d7dcc2b1fc9a7bb0f4f4749097c"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "Use this field to establish your team's gramaticality/acceptablity judgements (*,#,? etc)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Judgement",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "Use this as Line 1 in your examples for handouts (ie, either Orthography, or phonemic/phonetic representation)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Utterance",
          "mask": "Noqata anchata tusunaywan",
          "encryptedValue": "Noqata anchata tusunaywan",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "Noqata anchata tusunaywan",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "This line is used to determine the morpheme segmentation to generate glosses, it also optionally can show up in your LaTeXed examples if you choose to show morpheme segmentation in addtion ot line 1, gloss and translation.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "mask": "Noqa-ta ancha-ta tusu-nay-wa-n",
          "encryptedValue": "Noqa-ta ancha-ta tusu-nay-wa-n",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "Noqa-ta ancha-ta tusu-nay-wa-n",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "highlighted": [
            "Noqa-ta ancha-ta tusu-<em>nay</em>-wa-n"
          "label": "morphemes",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "This line appears in the gloss line of your LaTeXed examples, we reccomend Leipzig conventions (. for fusional morphemes, - for morpehem boundaries etc) The system uses this line to partially help you in glossing.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "mask": "I-ACC alot dance-DES-1OM-3SG",
          "encryptedValue": "I-ACC alot dance-DES-1OM-3SG",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "I-ACC alot dance-DES-1OM-3SG",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "highlighted": [
            "I-ACC alot dance-<em>DES</em>-1OM-3SG"
          "label": "gloss",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "Use this as your primary translation. It does not need to be English, simply a language your team is comfortable with. If your consultant often gives you multiple languages for translation you can also add addtional translations in the customized fields. For example, your Quechua informants use Spanish for translations, then you can make all Translations in Spanish, and add an additional field for English if you want to generate a handout containing the datum.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "mask": "I feel like dancing a lot.",
          "encryptedValue": "I feel like dancing a lot.",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "I feel like dancing a lot.",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation"
      "validationStatus": "CheckedWithRicardo",
      "igtCache": {
        "tuples": [
            "utterance": "Noqata",
            "morphemes": "Noqa-ta",
            "gloss": "I-ACC"
            "utterance": "anchata",
            "morphemes": "ancha-ta",
            "gloss": "alot"
            "utterance": "tusunaywan",
            "morphemes": "tusu-nay-wa-n",
            "gloss": "dance-DES-1OM-3SG"
        "parallelText": {
          "utterance": "Noqata anchata tusunaywan",
          "translation": "I feel like dancing a lot."
      "maxScore": 10.979033000000001,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "goal": "This data was collected by ME Cathcart for her dissertation \"Impulsatives: The syntax and semantics of involuntary desire\" for more of her data:",
      "comments": [
          "fieldDBtype": "Comment",
          "username": "quotecleaningbot",
          "text": "Hi\nJust a quick note to say that I automatically cleaned this datum. \n\nChanges:\n *  quote encoding problems `I feel like dancing a lot.' -> I feel like dancing a lot.\n\nExplanation: I was asked by lingllama to come by and standardize quotes today. According to his corpus' convention, we don't need quotes in the translation field.",
          "timestamp": 1389642361717,
          "dateCreated": 1389642361717,
          "version": "v5.26.21"
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [
            "help": "You can use this field to be as precise as you would like about the dialect of this session.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Dialect",
            "mask": "Cusco Quechua",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Cusco Quechua",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dialect",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dialect"
            "help": "This is the langauge (or language family) if you would like to use it.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Language",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "language",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "language"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session took place.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateElicited",
            "mask": "Summer 2010",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Summer 2010",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateElicited",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateElicited"
            "help": "Put your team's data entry conventions here (if any)...",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "User",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "user",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "user"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session was entered.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateSEntered",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateSEntered",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateSEntered"
        "dateCreated": 1714651802830,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "consultants": "Lucia, Ricardo, Seberina",
      "tags": "ambiguous",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "89bc4d7dcc2b1fc9a7bb0f4f4745d27e"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "Use this field to establish your team's gramaticality/acceptablity judgements (*,#,? etc)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Judgement",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "Use this as Line 1 in your examples for handouts (ie, either Orthography, or phonemic/phonetic representation)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Utterance",
          "mask": "Victorta noqata qaparinaywani",
          "encryptedValue": "Victorta noqata qaparinaywani",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "Victorta noqata qaparinaywani",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "This line is used to determine the morpheme segmentation to generate glosses, it also optionally can show up in your LaTeXed examples if you choose to show morpheme segmentation in addtion ot line 1, gloss and translation.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "mask": "Victor-ta noqa-ta qapari-nay-wa-ni",
          "encryptedValue": "Victor-ta noqa-ta qapari-nay-wa-ni",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "Victor-ta noqa-ta qapari-nay-wa-ni",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "highlighted": [
            "Victor-ta noqa-ta qapari-<em>nay</em>-wa-ni"
          "label": "morphemes",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "This line appears in the gloss line of your LaTeXed examples, we reccomend Leipzig conventions (. for fusional morphemes, - for morpehem boundaries etc) The system uses this line to partially help you in glossing.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "mask": "Victor-ACC me-ACC yell-DES-??",
          "encryptedValue": "Victor-ACC me-ACC yell-DES-??",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "Victor-ACC me-ACC yell-DES-??",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "highlighted": [
            "Victor-ACC me-ACC yell-<em>DES</em>-??"
          "label": "gloss",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "Use this as your primary translation. It does not need to be English, simply a language your team is comfortable with. If your consultant often gives you multiple languages for translation you can also add addtional translations in the customized fields. For example, your Quechua informants use Spanish for translations, then you can make all Translations in Spanish, and add an additional field for English if you want to generate a handout containing the datum.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "mask": "I feel like yelling at Victor",
          "encryptedValue": "I feel like yelling at Victor",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "I feel like yelling at Victor",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation"
      "modifiedByUser": "public",
      "validationStatus": "CheckedWithSeberina",
      "igtCache": {
        "tuples": [
            "utterance": "Victorta",
            "morphemes": "Victor-ta",
            "gloss": "Victor-ACC"
            "utterance": "noqata",
            "morphemes": "noqa-ta",
            "gloss": "me-ACC"
            "utterance": "qaparinaywani",
            "morphemes": "qapari-nay-wa-ni",
            "gloss": "yell-DES-??"
        "parallelText": {
          "utterance": "Victorta noqata qaparinaywani",
          "translation": "I feel like yelling at Victor"
      "maxScore": 10.979033000000001,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "goal": "This data was collected by ME Cathcart for her dissertation \"Impulsatives: The syntax and semantics of involuntary desire\" for more of her data:",
      "comments": [
          "fieldDBtype": "Comment",
          "username": "public",
          "text": "Heloo",
          "timestamp": 1378428368060,
          "dateCreated": 1378428368060,
          "version": "v5.26.21"
          "fieldDBtype": "Comment",
          "username": "quotecleaningbot",
          "text": "Hi\nJust a quick note to say that I automatically cleaned this datum. \n\nChanges:\n *  quote encoding problems wani isn’t anything, maybe I meant wan -> wani isn't anything, maybe I meant wan\n *  quote encoding problems `I feel like yelling at Victor’ -> I feel like yelling at Victor\n\nExplanation: I was asked by lingllama to come by and standardize quotes today. According to his corpus' convention, we don't need quotes in the translation field.",
          "timestamp": 1389642361970,
          "dateCreated": 1389642361970,
          "version": "v5.26.21"
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [
            "help": "You can use this field to be as precise as you would like about the dialect of this session.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Dialect",
            "mask": "Cusco Quechua",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Cusco Quechua",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dialect",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dialect"
            "help": "This is the langauge (or language family) if you would like to use it.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Language",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "language",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "language"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session took place.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateElicited",
            "mask": "Summer 2010",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Summer 2010",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateElicited",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateElicited"
            "help": "Put your team's data entry conventions here (if any)...",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "User",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "user",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "user"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session was entered.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateSEntered",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateSEntered",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateSEntered"
        "dateCreated": 1714651802832,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "consultants": "Lucia, Ricardo, Seberina",
      "tags": "impulsative, person, agreement",
      "notesFromOldDB": "wani isn't anything, maybe I meant wan",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "89bc4d7dcc2b1fc9a7bb0f4f474abec0"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "Use this field to establish your team's gramaticality/acceptablity judgements (*,#,? etc)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Judgement",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "Use this as Line 1 in your examples for handouts (ie, either Orthography, or phonemic/phonetic representation)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Utterance",
          "mask": "Noqatawan qantawan qaprinaywanchis.",
          "encryptedValue": "Noqatawan qantawan qaprinaywanchis.",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "Noqatawan qantawan qaprinaywanchis.",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "This line is used to determine the morpheme segmentation to generate glosses, it also optionally can show up in your LaTeXed examples if you choose to show morpheme segmentation in addtion ot line 1, gloss and translation.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "mask": "Noqa-ta-wan qan-ta-wan qapri-nay-wanchis",
          "encryptedValue": "Noqa-ta-wan qan-ta-wan qapri-nay-wanchis",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "Noqa-ta-wan qan-ta-wan qapri-nay-wanchis",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "highlighted": [
            "Noqa-ta-wan qan-ta-wan qapri-<em>nay</em>-wanchis"
          "label": "morphemes",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "This line appears in the gloss line of your LaTeXed examples, we reccomend Leipzig conventions (. for fusional morphemes, - for morpehem boundaries etc) The system uses this line to partially help you in glossing.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "mask": "me-ACC.with you-ACC.with yell-DES-3SG.1PL.inclOM",
          "encryptedValue": "me-ACC.with you-ACC.with yell-DES-3SG.1PL.inclOM",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "me-ACC.with you-ACC.with yell-DES-3SG.1PL.inclOM",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "highlighted": [
            "me-ACC.with you-ACC.with yell-<em>DES</em>-3SG.1PL.inclOM"
          "label": "gloss",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "Use this as your primary translation. It does not need to be English, simply a language your team is comfortable with. If your consultant often gives you multiple languages for translation you can also add addtional translations in the customized fields. For example, your Quechua informants use Spanish for translations, then you can make all Translations in Spanish, and add an additional field for English if you want to generate a handout containing the datum.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "mask": "We feel like yelling at each other.",
          "encryptedValue": "We feel like yelling at each other.",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "We feel like yelling at each other.",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation"
      "validationStatus": "CheckedWithRicardo",
      "igtCache": {
        "tuples": [
            "utterance": "Noqatawan",
            "morphemes": "Noqa-ta-wan",
            "gloss": "me-ACC.with"
            "utterance": "qantawan",
            "morphemes": "qan-ta-wan",
            "gloss": "you-ACC.with"
            "utterance": "qaprinaywanchis.",
            "morphemes": "qapri-nay-wanchis",
            "gloss": "yell-DES-3SG.1PL.inclOM"
        "parallelText": {
          "utterance": "Noqatawan qantawan qaprinaywanchis.",
          "translation": "We feel like yelling at each other."
      "maxScore": 10.979033000000001,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "goal": "This data was collected by ME Cathcart for her dissertation \"Impulsatives: The syntax and semantics of involuntary desire\" for more of her data:",
      "comments": [
          "fieldDBtype": "Comment",
          "username": "quotecleaningbot",
          "text": "Hi\nJust a quick note to say that I automatically cleaned this datum. \n\nChanges:\n *  quote encoding problems `We feel like yelling at each other.’ -> We feel like yelling at each other.\n\nExplanation: I was asked by lingllama to come by and standardize quotes today. According to his corpus' convention, we don't need quotes in the translation field.",
          "timestamp": 1389642361929,
          "dateCreated": 1389642361929,
          "version": "v5.26.21"
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [
            "help": "You can use this field to be as precise as you would like about the dialect of this session.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Dialect",
            "mask": "Cusco Quechua",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Cusco Quechua",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dialect",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dialect"
            "help": "This is the langauge (or language family) if you would like to use it.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Language",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "language",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "language"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session took place.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateElicited",
            "mask": "Summer 2010",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Summer 2010",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateElicited",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateElicited"
            "help": "Put your team's data entry conventions here (if any)...",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "User",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "user",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "user"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session was entered.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateSEntered",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateSEntered",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateSEntered"
        "dateCreated": 1714651802835,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "consultants": "Lucia, Ricardo, Seberina",
      "tags": "Impulsative Person agreement reciprocal",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "89bc4d7dcc2b1fc9a7bb0f4f4749d6cf"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "Use this field to establish your team's gramaticality/acceptablity judgements (*,#,? etc)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Judgement",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "Use this as Line 1 in your examples for handouts (ie, either Orthography, or phonemic/phonetic representation)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Utterance",
          "mask": "Noqata pisilla anchata tusunaywan",
          "encryptedValue": "Noqata pisilla anchata tusunaywan",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "Noqata pisilla anchata tusunaywan",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "This line is used to determine the morpheme segmentation to generate glosses, it also optionally can show up in your LaTeXed examples if you choose to show morpheme segmentation in addtion ot line 1, gloss and translation.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "mask": "Noqa-ta pis-illa ancha-ta tusu-nay-wa-n",
          "encryptedValue": "Noqa-ta pis-illa ancha-ta tusu-nay-wa-n",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "Noqa-ta pis-illa ancha-ta tusu-nay-wa-n",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "highlighted": [
            "Noqa-ta pis-illa ancha-ta tusu-<em>nay</em>-wa-n"
          "label": "morphemes",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "This line appears in the gloss line of your LaTeXed examples, we reccomend Leipzig conventions (. for fusional morphemes, - for morpehem boundaries etc) The system uses this line to partially help you in glossing.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "mask": "I-ACC little alot dance-DES-1OM-3SG",
          "encryptedValue": "I-ACC little alot dance-DES-1OM-3SG",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "I-ACC little alot dance-DES-1OM-3SG",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "highlighted": [
            "I-ACC little alot dance-<em>DES</em>-1OM-3SG"
          "label": "gloss",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "Use this as your primary translation. It does not need to be English, simply a language your team is comfortable with. If your consultant often gives you multiple languages for translation you can also add addtional translations in the customized fields. For example, your Quechua informants use Spanish for translations, then you can make all Translations in Spanish, and add an additional field for English if you want to generate a handout containing the datum.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "mask": "I kinda feel like dancing a lot.' *`I really feel like dancing a little.",
          "encryptedValue": "I kinda feel like dancing a lot.' *`I really feel like dancing a little.",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "I kinda feel like dancing a lot.' *`I really feel like dancing a little.",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation"
      "validationStatus": "CheckedWithRicardo",
      "igtCache": {
        "tuples": [
            "utterance": "Noqata",
            "morphemes": "Noqa-ta",
            "gloss": "I-ACC"
            "utterance": "pisilla",
            "morphemes": "pis-illa",
            "gloss": "little"
            "utterance": "anchata",
            "morphemes": "ancha-ta",
            "gloss": "alot"
            "utterance": "tusunaywan",
            "morphemes": "tusu-nay-wa-n",
            "gloss": "dance-DES-1OM-3SG"
        "parallelText": {
          "utterance": "Noqata pisilla anchata tusunaywan",
          "translation": "I kinda feel like dancing a lot.' *`I really feel like dancing a little."
      "maxScore": 10.979033000000001,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "goal": "This data was collected by ME Cathcart for her dissertation \"Impulsatives: The syntax and semantics of involuntary desire\" for more of her data:",
      "comments": [
          "fieldDBtype": "Comment",
          "username": "quotecleaningbot",
          "text": "Hi\nJust a quick note to say that I automatically cleaned this datum. \n\nChanges:\n *  quote encoding problems `I kinda feel like dancing a lot.' *`I really feel like dancing a little.' -> I kinda feel like dancing a lot.' *`I really feel like dancing a little.\n\nExplanation: I was asked by lingllama to come by and standardize quotes today. According to his corpus' convention, we don't need quotes in the translation field.",
          "timestamp": 1389642361689,
          "dateCreated": 1389642361689,
          "version": "v5.26.21"
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [
            "help": "You can use this field to be as precise as you would like about the dialect of this session.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Dialect",
            "mask": "Cusco Quechua",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Cusco Quechua",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dialect",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dialect"
            "help": "This is the langauge (or language family) if you would like to use it.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Language",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "language",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "language"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session took place.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateElicited",
            "mask": "Summer 2010",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Summer 2010",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateElicited",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateElicited"
            "help": "Put your team's data entry conventions here (if any)...",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "User",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "user",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "user"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session was entered.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateSEntered",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateSEntered",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateSEntered"
        "dateCreated": 1714651802837,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "consultants": "Lucia, Ricardo, Seberina",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "89bc4d7dcc2b1fc9a7bb0f4f4745a262"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "Use this field to establish your team's gramaticality/acceptablity judgements (*,#,? etc)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Judgement",
          "mask": "*",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "*",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "Use this as Line 1 in your examples for handouts (ie, either Orthography, or phonemic/phonetic representation)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Utterance",
          "mask": "paranayan",
          "encryptedValue": "paranayan",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "paranayan",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "This line is used to determine the morpheme segmentation to generate glosses, it also optionally can show up in your LaTeXed examples if you choose to show morpheme segmentation in addtion ot line 1, gloss and translation.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "mask": "para-naya-n",
          "encryptedValue": "para-naya-n",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "para-naya-n",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "morphemes",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "This line appears in the gloss line of your LaTeXed examples, we reccomend Leipzig conventions (. for fusional morphemes, - for morpehem boundaries etc) The system uses this line to partially help you in glossing.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "mask": "rain-DES-3SG",
          "encryptedValue": "rain-DES-3SG",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "rain-DES-3SG",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "highlighted": [
          "label": "gloss",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "Use this as your primary translation. It does not need to be English, simply a language your team is comfortable with. If your consultant often gives you multiple languages for translation you can also add addtional translations in the customized fields. For example, your Quechua informants use Spanish for translations, then you can make all Translations in Spanish, and add an additional field for English if you want to generate a handout containing the datum.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "mask": "It feels like its going to rain.",
          "encryptedValue": "It feels like its going to rain.",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "It feels like its going to rain.",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation"
      "validationStatus": "CheckedWithSeberina",
      "igtCache": {
        "tuples": [
            "utterance": "paranayan",
            "morphemes": "para-naya-n",
            "gloss": "rain-DES-3SG"
        "parallelText": {
          "utterance": "paranayan",
          "translation": "It feels like its going to rain."
      "maxScore": 10.979033000000001,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "goal": "This data was collected by ME Cathcart for her dissertation \"Impulsatives: The syntax and semantics of involuntary desire\" for more of her data:",
      "comments": [
          "fieldDBtype": "Comment",
          "username": "quotecleaningbot",
          "text": "Hi\nJust a quick note to say that I automatically cleaned this datum. \n\nChanges:\n *  quote encoding problems `It feels like its going to rain.’ -> It feels like its going to rain.\n\nExplanation: I was asked by lingllama to come by and standardize quotes today. According to his corpus' convention, we don't need quotes in the translation field.",
          "timestamp": 1389642361802,
          "dateCreated": 1389642361802,
          "version": "v5.26.21"
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [
            "help": "You can use this field to be as precise as you would like about the dialect of this session.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Dialect",
            "mask": "Cusco Quechua",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Cusco Quechua",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dialect",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dialect"
            "help": "This is the langauge (or language family) if you would like to use it.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Language",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "language",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "language"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session took place.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateElicited",
            "mask": "Summer 2010",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Summer 2010",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateElicited",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateElicited"
            "help": "Put your team's data entry conventions here (if any)...",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "User",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "user",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "user"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session was entered.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateSEntered",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateSEntered",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateSEntered"
        "dateCreated": 1714651802839,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "consultants": "Lucia, Ricardo, Seberina",
      "tags": "Verbal restrictions weather predicate",
      "notesFromOldDB": "paranay munashan",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "89bc4d7dcc2b1fc9a7bb0f4f47471d0b"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "Use this field to establish your team's gramaticality/acceptablity judgements (*,#,? etc)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Judgement",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "Use this as Line 1 in your examples for handouts (ie, either Orthography, or phonemic/phonetic representation)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Utterance",
          "mask": "Qanta noqata qaparinayayki.",
          "encryptedValue": "Qanta noqata qaparinayayki.",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "Qanta noqata qaparinayayki.",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "This line is used to determine the morpheme segmentation to generate glosses, it also optionally can show up in your LaTeXed examples if you choose to show morpheme segmentation in addtion ot line 1, gloss and translation.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "mask": "Qan-ta noqa-ta qapari-naya-yki",
          "encryptedValue": "Qan-ta noqa-ta qapari-naya-yki",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "Qan-ta noqa-ta qapari-naya-yki",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "morphemes",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "This line appears in the gloss line of your LaTeXed examples, we reccomend Leipzig conventions (. for fusional morphemes, - for morpehem boundaries etc) The system uses this line to partially help you in glossing.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "mask": "you-ACC me-ACC yell-DES-1SG.2SGOM",
          "encryptedValue": "you-ACC me-ACC yell-DES-1SG.2SGOM",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "you-ACC me-ACC yell-DES-1SG.2SGOM",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "highlighted": [
            "you-ACC me-ACC yell-<em>DES</em>-1SG.2SGOM"
          "label": "gloss",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "Use this as your primary translation. It does not need to be English, simply a language your team is comfortable with. If your consultant often gives you multiple languages for translation you can also add addtional translations in the customized fields. For example, your Quechua informants use Spanish for translations, then you can make all Translations in Spanish, and add an additional field for English if you want to generate a handout containing the datum.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "mask": "You feel like yelling at me.",
          "encryptedValue": "You feel like yelling at me.",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "You feel like yelling at me.",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation"
      "validationStatus": "CheckedWithRicardo",
      "igtCache": {
        "tuples": [
            "utterance": "Qanta",
            "morphemes": "Qan-ta",
            "gloss": "you-ACC"
            "utterance": "noqata",
            "morphemes": "noqa-ta",
            "gloss": "me-ACC"
            "utterance": "qaparinayayki.",
            "morphemes": "qapari-naya-yki",
            "gloss": "yell-DES-1SG.2SGOM"
        "parallelText": {
          "utterance": "Qanta noqata qaparinayayki.",
          "translation": "You feel like yelling at me."
      "maxScore": 10.979033000000001,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "goal": "This data was collected by ME Cathcart for her dissertation \"Impulsatives: The syntax and semantics of involuntary desire\" for more of her data:",
      "comments": [
          "fieldDBtype": "Comment",
          "username": "quotecleaningbot",
          "text": "Hi\nJust a quick note to say that I automatically cleaned this datum. \n\nChanges:\n *  quote encoding problems `You feel like yelling at me.’ -> You feel like yelling at me.\n\nExplanation: I was asked by lingllama to come by and standardize quotes today. According to his corpus' convention, we don't need quotes in the translation field.",
          "timestamp": 1389642361910,
          "dateCreated": 1389642361910,
          "version": "v5.26.21"
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [
            "help": "You can use this field to be as precise as you would like about the dialect of this session.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Dialect",
            "mask": "Cusco Quechua",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Cusco Quechua",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dialect",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dialect"
            "help": "This is the langauge (or language family) if you would like to use it.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Language",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "language",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "language"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session took place.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateElicited",
            "mask": "Summer 2010",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Summer 2010",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateElicited",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateElicited"
            "help": "Put your team's data entry conventions here (if any)...",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "User",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "user",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "user"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session was entered.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateSEntered",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateSEntered",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateSEntered"
        "dateCreated": 1714651802842,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "consultants": "Lucia, Ricardo, Seberina",
      "tags": "Impulsative Person Agreement",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "89bc4d7dcc2b1fc9a7bb0f4f474943a5"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "Use this field to establish your team's gramaticality/acceptablity judgements (*,#,? etc)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Judgement",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "Use this as Line 1 in your examples for handouts (ie, either Orthography, or phonemic/phonetic representation)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Utterance",
          "mask": "Hamunaywan",
          "encryptedValue": "Hamunaywan",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "Hamunaywan",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "This line is used to determine the morpheme segmentation to generate glosses, it also optionally can show up in your LaTeXed examples if you choose to show morpheme segmentation in addtion ot line 1, gloss and translation.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "mask": "Hamu-nay-wa-n",
          "encryptedValue": "Hamu-nay-wa-n",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "Hamu-nay-wa-n",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "highlighted": [
          "label": "morphemes",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "This line appears in the gloss line of your LaTeXed examples, we reccomend Leipzig conventions (. for fusional morphemes, - for morpehem boundaries etc) The system uses this line to partially help you in glossing.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "mask": "cOMe-DES-1OM-3SG",
          "encryptedValue": "cOMe-DES-1OM-3SG",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "cOMe-DES-1OM-3SG",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "highlighted": [
          "label": "gloss",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "Use this as your primary translation. It does not need to be English, simply a language your team is comfortable with. If your consultant often gives you multiple languages for translation you can also add addtional translations in the customized fields. For example, your Quechua informants use Spanish for translations, then you can make all Translations in Spanish, and add an additional field for English if you want to generate a handout containing the datum.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "mask": "I feel like coming.",
          "encryptedValue": "I feel like coming.",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "I feel like coming.",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation"
      "validationStatus": "CheckedWithRicardo",
      "igtCache": {
        "tuples": [
            "utterance": "Hamunaywan",
            "morphemes": "Hamu-nay-wa-n",
            "gloss": "cOMe-DES-1OM-3SG"
        "parallelText": {
          "utterance": "Hamunaywan",
          "translation": "I feel like coming."
      "maxScore": 10.979033000000001,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "goal": "This data was collected by ME Cathcart for her dissertation \"Impulsatives: The syntax and semantics of involuntary desire\" for more of her data:",
      "comments": [
          "fieldDBtype": "Comment",
          "username": "quotecleaningbot",
          "text": "Hi\nJust a quick note to say that I automatically cleaned this datum. \n\nChanges:\n *  quote encoding problems `I feel like cOMing.' -> I feel like coming.\n\nExplanation: I was asked by lingllama to come by and standardize quotes today. According to his corpus' convention, we don't need quotes in the translation field.",
          "timestamp": 1389642361765,
          "dateCreated": 1389642361765,
          "version": "v5.26.21"
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [
            "help": "You can use this field to be as precise as you would like about the dialect of this session.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Dialect",
            "mask": "Cusco Quechua",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Cusco Quechua",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dialect",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dialect"
            "help": "This is the langauge (or language family) if you would like to use it.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Language",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "language",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "language"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session took place.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateElicited",
            "mask": "Summer 2010",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Summer 2010",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateElicited",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateElicited"
            "help": "Put your team's data entry conventions here (if any)...",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "User",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "user",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "user"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session was entered.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateSEntered",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateSEntered",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateSEntered"
        "dateCreated": 1714651802844,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "consultants": "Lucia, Ricardo, Seberina",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "89bc4d7dcc2b1fc9a7bb0f4f474666c4"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "Use this field to establish your team's gramaticality/acceptablity judgements (*,#,? etc)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Judgement",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "Use this as Line 1 in your examples for handouts (ie, either Orthography, or phonemic/phonetic representation)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Utterance",
          "mask": "Kusikunaywan",
          "encryptedValue": "Kusikunaywan",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "Kusikunaywan",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "This line is used to determine the morpheme segmentation to generate glosses, it also optionally can show up in your LaTeXed examples if you choose to show morpheme segmentation in addtion ot line 1, gloss and translation.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "mask": "Kusi-ku-nay-wa-n",
          "encryptedValue": "Kusi-ku-nay-wa-n",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "Kusi-ku-nay-wa-n",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "highlighted": [
          "label": "morphemes",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "This line appears in the gloss line of your LaTeXed examples, we reccomend Leipzig conventions (. for fusional morphemes, - for morpehem boundaries etc) The system uses this line to partially help you in glossing.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "mask": "becOMe.happy-DES-1OM-3SG",
          "encryptedValue": "becOMe.happy-DES-1OM-3SG",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "becOMe.happy-DES-1OM-3SG",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "highlighted": [
          "label": "gloss",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "Use this as your primary translation. It does not need to be English, simply a language your team is comfortable with. If your consultant often gives you multiple languages for translation you can also add addtional translations in the customized fields. For example, your Quechua informants use Spanish for translations, then you can make all Translations in Spanish, and add an additional field for English if you want to generate a handout containing the datum.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "mask": "I feel like getting happy.",
          "encryptedValue": "I feel like getting happy.",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "I feel like getting happy.",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation"
      "validationStatus": "CheckedWithRicardo",
      "igtCache": {
        "tuples": [
            "utterance": "Kusikunaywan",
            "morphemes": "Kusi-ku-nay-wa-n",
            "gloss": "becOMe.happy-DES-1OM-3SG"
        "parallelText": {
          "utterance": "Kusikunaywan",
          "translation": "I feel like getting happy."
      "maxScore": 10.979033000000001,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "goal": "This data was collected by ME Cathcart for her dissertation \"Impulsatives: The syntax and semantics of involuntary desire\" for more of her data:",
      "comments": [
          "fieldDBtype": "Comment",
          "username": "quotecleaningbot",
          "text": "Hi\nJust a quick note to say that I automatically cleaned this datum. \n\nChanges:\n *  quote encoding problems `I feel like getting happy.' -> I feel like getting happy.\n\nExplanation: I was asked by lingllama to come by and standardize quotes today. According to his corpus' convention, we don't need quotes in the translation field.",
          "timestamp": 1389642361743,
          "dateCreated": 1389642361743,
          "version": "v5.26.21"
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [
            "help": "You can use this field to be as precise as you would like about the dialect of this session.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Dialect",
            "mask": "Cusco Quechua",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Cusco Quechua",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dialect",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dialect"
            "help": "This is the langauge (or language family) if you would like to use it.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Language",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "language",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "language"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session took place.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateElicited",
            "mask": "Summer 2010",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Summer 2010",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateElicited",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateElicited"
            "help": "Put your team's data entry conventions here (if any)...",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "User",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "user",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "user"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session was entered.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateSEntered",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateSEntered",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateSEntered"
        "dateCreated": 1714651802846,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "consultants": "Lucia, Ricardo, Seberina",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "89bc4d7dcc2b1fc9a7bb0f4f474618bc"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "Use this field to establish your team's gramaticality/acceptablity judgements (*,#,? etc)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Judgement",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "Use this as Line 1 in your examples for handouts (ie, either Orthography, or phonemic/phonetic representation)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Utterance",
          "mask": "Uhunaywanshan",
          "encryptedValue": "Uhunaywanshan",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "Uhunaywanshan",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "This line is used to determine the morpheme segmentation to generate glosses, it also optionally can show up in your LaTeXed examples if you choose to show morpheme segmentation in addtion ot line 1, gloss and translation.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "mask": "Uhu-nay-wa-sha-n",
          "encryptedValue": "Uhu-nay-wa-sha-n",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "Uhu-nay-wa-sha-n",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "highlighted": [
          "label": "morphemes",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "This line appears in the gloss line of your LaTeXed examples, we reccomend Leipzig conventions (. for fusional morphemes, - for morpehem boundaries etc) The system uses this line to partially help you in glossing.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "mask": "cough-DES-1OM-3SG",
          "encryptedValue": "cough-DES-1OM-3SG",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "cough-DES-1OM-3SG",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "highlighted": [
          "label": "gloss",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "Use this as your primary translation. It does not need to be English, simply a language your team is comfortable with. If your consultant often gives you multiple languages for translation you can also add addtional translations in the customized fields. For example, your Quechua informants use Spanish for translations, then you can make all Translations in Spanish, and add an additional field for English if you want to generate a handout containing the datum.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "mask": "I feel like coughing.",
          "encryptedValue": "I feel like coughing.",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "I feel like coughing.",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation"
      "validationStatus": "CheckedWithSeberina",
      "igtCache": {
        "tuples": [
            "utterance": "Uhunaywanshan",
            "morphemes": "Uhu-nay-wa-sha-n",
            "gloss": "cough-DES-1OM-3SG"
        "parallelText": {
          "utterance": "Uhunaywanshan",
          "translation": "I feel like coughing."
      "maxScore": 10.979033000000001,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "goal": "This data was collected by ME Cathcart for her dissertation \"Impulsatives: The syntax and semantics of involuntary desire\" for more of her data:",
      "comments": [
          "fieldDBtype": "Comment",
          "username": "quotecleaningbot",
          "text": "Hi\nJust a quick note to say that I automatically cleaned this datum. \n\nChanges:\n *  quote encoding problems `I feel like coughing.’ -> I feel like coughing.\n\nExplanation: I was asked by lingllama to come by and standardize quotes today. According to his corpus' convention, we don't need quotes in the translation field.",
          "timestamp": 1389642361795,
          "dateCreated": 1389642361795,
          "version": "v5.26.21"
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [
            "help": "You can use this field to be as precise as you would like about the dialect of this session.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Dialect",
            "mask": "Cusco Quechua",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Cusco Quechua",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dialect",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dialect"
            "help": "This is the langauge (or language family) if you would like to use it.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Language",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "language",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "language"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session took place.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateElicited",
            "mask": "Summer 2010",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Summer 2010",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateElicited",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateElicited"
            "help": "Put your team's data entry conventions here (if any)...",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "User",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "user",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "user"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session was entered.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateSEntered",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateSEntered",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateSEntered"
        "dateCreated": 1714651802848,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "consultants": "Lucia, Ricardo, Seberina",
      "tags": "Verbal restrictions bodily functions",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "89bc4d7dcc2b1fc9a7bb0f4f4746d4c1"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "Use this field to establish your team's gramaticality/acceptablity judgements (*,#,? etc)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Judgement",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "Use this as Line 1 in your examples for handouts (ie, either Orthography, or phonemic/phonetic representation)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Utterance",
          "mask": "Qaynap'unchaw lloqsinaywaran",
          "encryptedValue": "Qaynap'unchaw lloqsinaywaran",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "Qaynap'unchaw lloqsinaywaran",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "This line is used to determine the morpheme segmentation to generate glosses, it also optionally can show up in your LaTeXed examples if you choose to show morpheme segmentation in addtion ot line 1, gloss and translation.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "mask": "Qaynap'unchaw lloqsi-nay-wa-ra-n",
          "encryptedValue": "Qaynap'unchaw lloqsi-nay-wa-ra-n",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "Qaynap'unchaw lloqsi-nay-wa-ra-n",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "highlighted": [
            "Qaynap'unchaw lloqsi-<em>nay</em>-wa-ra-n"
          "label": "morphemes",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "This line appears in the gloss line of your LaTeXed examples, we reccomend Leipzig conventions (. for fusional morphemes, - for morpehem boundaries etc) The system uses this line to partially help you in glossing.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "mask": "Yesterday go.out-DES-1OM-3SG",
          "encryptedValue": "Yesterday go.out-DES-1OM-3SG",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "Yesterday go.out-DES-1OM-3SG",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "highlighted": [
            "Yesterday go.out-<em>DES</em>-1OM-3SG"
          "label": "gloss",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "Use this as your primary translation. It does not need to be English, simply a language your team is comfortable with. If your consultant often gives you multiple languages for translation you can also add addtional translations in the customized fields. For example, your Quechua informants use Spanish for translations, then you can make all Translations in Spanish, and add an additional field for English if you want to generate a handout containing the datum.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "mask": "Yesterday, I felt like going out.",
          "encryptedValue": "Yesterday, I felt like going out.",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "Yesterday, I felt like going out.",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation"
      "validationStatus": "CheckedWithRicardo",
      "igtCache": {
        "tuples": [
            "utterance": "Qaynap'unchaw",
            "morphemes": "Qaynap'unchaw",
            "gloss": "Yesterday"
            "utterance": "lloqsinaywaran",
            "morphemes": "lloqsi-nay-wa-ra-n",
            "gloss": "go.out-DES-1OM-3SG"
        "parallelText": {
          "utterance": "Qaynap'unchaw lloqsinaywaran",
          "translation": "Yesterday, I felt like going out."
      "maxScore": 10.979033000000001,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "goal": "This data was collected by ME Cathcart for her dissertation \"Impulsatives: The syntax and semantics of involuntary desire\" for more of her data:",
      "comments": [
          "fieldDBtype": "Comment",
          "username": "quotecleaningbot",
          "text": "Hi\nJust a quick note to say that I automatically cleaned this datum. \n\nChanges:\n *  quote encoding problems `Yesterday, I felt like going out.' -> Yesterday, I felt like going out.\n\nExplanation: I was asked by lingllama to come by and standardize quotes today. According to his corpus' convention, we don't need quotes in the translation field.",
          "timestamp": 1389642361687,
          "dateCreated": 1389642361687,
          "version": "v5.26.21"
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [
            "help": "You can use this field to be as precise as you would like about the dialect of this session.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Dialect",
            "mask": "Cusco Quechua",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Cusco Quechua",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dialect",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dialect"
            "help": "This is the langauge (or language family) if you would like to use it.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Language",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "language",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "language"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session took place.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateElicited",
            "mask": "Summer 2010",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Summer 2010",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateElicited",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateElicited"
            "help": "Put your team's data entry conventions here (if any)...",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "User",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "user",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "user"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session was entered.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateSEntered",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateSEntered",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateSEntered"
        "dateCreated": 1714651802850,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "consultants": "Lucia, Ricardo, Seberina",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "89bc4d7dcc2b1fc9a7bb0f4f47454977"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "Use this field to establish your team's gramaticality/acceptablity judgements (*,#,? etc)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Judgement",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "Use this as Line 1 in your examples for handouts (ie, either Orthography, or phonemic/phonetic representation)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Utterance",
          "mask": "taqsakunayawan",
          "encryptedValue": "taqsakunayawan",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "taqsakunayawan",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "This line is used to determine the morpheme segmentation to generate glosses, it also optionally can show up in your LaTeXed examples if you choose to show morpheme segmentation in addtion ot line 1, gloss and translation.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "mask": "Taqsa-ku-naya-wa-n",
          "encryptedValue": "Taqsa-ku-naya-wa-n",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "Taqsa-ku-naya-wa-n",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "morphemes",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "This line appears in the gloss line of your LaTeXed examples, we reccomend Leipzig conventions (. for fusional morphemes, - for morpehem boundaries etc) The system uses this line to partially help you in glossing.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "mask": "wash.refl-DES-1OM-3SG.3SG",
          "encryptedValue": "wash.refl-DES-1OM-3SG.3SG",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "wash.refl-DES-1OM-3SG.3SG",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "highlighted": [
          "label": "gloss",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "Use this as your primary translation. It does not need to be English, simply a language your team is comfortable with. If your consultant often gives you multiple languages for translation you can also add addtional translations in the customized fields. For example, your Quechua informants use Spanish for translations, then you can make all Translations in Spanish, and add an additional field for English if you want to generate a handout containing the datum.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "mask": "tengo ganas de lavar el cabello",
          "encryptedValue": "tengo ganas de lavar el cabello",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "tengo ganas de lavar el cabello",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation"
      "validationStatus": "CheckedWithMagda",
      "igtCache": {
        "tuples": [
            "utterance": "taqsakunayawan",
            "morphemes": "Taqsa-ku-naya-wa-n",
            "gloss": "wash.refl-DES-1OM-3SG.3SG"
        "parallelText": {
          "utterance": "taqsakunayawan",
          "translation": "tengo ganas de lavar el cabello"
      "maxScore": 10.979033000000001,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "goal": "This data was collected by ME Cathcart for her dissertation \"Impulsatives: The syntax and semantics of involuntary desire\" for more of her data:",
      "comments": [],
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [
            "help": "You can use this field to be as precise as you would like about the dialect of this session.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Dialect",
            "mask": "Cusco Quechua",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Cusco Quechua",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dialect",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dialect"
            "help": "This is the langauge (or language family) if you would like to use it.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Language",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "language",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "language"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session took place.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateElicited",
            "mask": "Summer 2010",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Summer 2010",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateElicited",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateElicited"
            "help": "Put your team's data entry conventions here (if any)...",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "User",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "user",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "user"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session was entered.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateSEntered",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateSEntered",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateSEntered"
        "dateCreated": 1714651802852,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "consultants": "Lucia, Ricardo, Seberina",
      "tags": "impulsative verbal restriction",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "89bc4d7dcc2b1fc9a7bb0f4f47469307"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "Use this field to establish your team's gramaticality/acceptablity judgements (*,#,? etc)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Judgement",
          "mask": "*",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "*",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "Use this as Line 1 in your examples for handouts (ie, either Orthography, or phonemic/phonetic representation)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Utterance",
          "mask": "Noqata pay qaparinaywan.",
          "encryptedValue": "Noqata pay qaparinaywan.",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "Noqata pay qaparinaywan.",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "This line is used to determine the morpheme segmentation to generate glosses, it also optionally can show up in your LaTeXed examples if you choose to show morpheme segmentation in addtion ot line 1, gloss and translation.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "mask": "Noqa-ta pay qapari-nay-wan",
          "encryptedValue": "Noqa-ta pay qapari-nay-wan",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "Noqa-ta pay qapari-nay-wan",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "highlighted": [
            "Noqa-ta pay qapari-<em>nay</em>-wan"
          "label": "morphemes",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "This line appears in the gloss line of your LaTeXed examples, we reccomend Leipzig conventions (. for fusional morphemes, - for morpehem boundaries etc) The system uses this line to partially help you in glossing.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "mask": "me-ACC he.hOM yell-DES-3SG.1SGOM",
          "encryptedValue": "me-ACC he.hOM yell-DES-3SG.1SGOM",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "me-ACC he.hOM yell-DES-3SG.1SGOM",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "highlighted": [
            "me-ACC he.hOM yell-<em>DES</em>-3SG.1SGOM"
          "label": "gloss",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "Use this as your primary translation. It does not need to be English, simply a language your team is comfortable with. If your consultant often gives you multiple languages for translation you can also add addtional translations in the customized fields. For example, your Quechua informants use Spanish for translations, then you can make all Translations in Spanish, and add an additional field for English if you want to generate a handout containing the datum.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "mask": "I feel like yelling at him.",
          "encryptedValue": "I feel like yelling at him.",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "I feel like yelling at him.",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation"
      "modifiedByUser": "lingllama",
      "validationStatus": "CheckedWithRicardo",
      "igtCache": {
        "tuples": [
            "utterance": "Noqata",
            "morphemes": "Noqa-ta",
            "gloss": "me-ACC"
            "utterance": "pay",
            "morphemes": "pay",
            "gloss": "he.hOM"
            "utterance": "qaparinaywan.",
            "morphemes": "qapari-nay-wan",
            "gloss": "yell-DES-3SG.1SGOM"
        "parallelText": {
          "utterance": "Noqata pay qaparinaywan.",
          "translation": "I feel like yelling at him."
      "maxScore": 10.979033000000001,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "goal": "This data was collected by ME Cathcart for her dissertation \"Impulsatives: The syntax and semantics of involuntary desire\" for more of her data:",
      "comments": [],
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [
            "help": "You can use this field to be as precise as you would like about the dialect of this session.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Dialect",
            "mask": "Cusco Quechua",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Cusco Quechua",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dialect",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dialect"
            "help": "This is the langauge (or language family) if you would like to use it.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Language",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "language",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "language"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session took place.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateElicited",
            "mask": "Summer 2010",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Summer 2010",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateElicited",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateElicited"
            "help": "Put your team's data entry conventions here (if any)...",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "User",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "user",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "user"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session was entered.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateSEntered",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateSEntered",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateSEntered"
        "dateCreated": 1714651802854,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "consultants": "Lucia, Ricardo, Seberina",
      "tags": "Impulsative, Person, agreement",
      "notesFromOldDB": "Seberina accepted sOMething similar",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "89bc4d7dcc2b1fc9a7bb0f4f4749c21d"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "Use this field to establish your team's gramaticality/acceptablity judgements (*,#,? etc)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Judgement",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "Use this as Line 1 in your examples for handouts (ie, either Orthography, or phonemic/phonetic representation)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Utterance",
          "mask": "Erqe qankuna qaparinaywankichis",
          "encryptedValue": "Erqe qankuna qaparinaywankichis",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "Erqe qankuna qaparinaywankichis",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "This line is used to determine the morpheme segmentation to generate glosses, it also optionally can show up in your LaTeXed examples if you choose to show morpheme segmentation in addtion ot line 1, gloss and translation.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "mask": "Erqe qan-kuna qapari-nay-wankichis",
          "encryptedValue": "Erqe qan-kuna qapari-nay-wankichis",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "Erqe qan-kuna qapari-nay-wankichis",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "highlighted": [
            "Erqe qan-kuna qapari-<em>nay</em>-wankichis"
          "label": "morphemes",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "This line appears in the gloss line of your LaTeXed examples, we reccomend Leipzig conventions (. for fusional morphemes, - for morpehem boundaries etc) The system uses this line to partially help you in glossing.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "mask": "child you-PL yell-DES-3SG.2PLOM",
          "encryptedValue": "child you-PL yell-DES-3SG.2PLOM",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "child you-PL yell-DES-3SG.2PLOM",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "highlighted": [
            "child you-PL yell-<em>DES</em>-3SG.2PLOM"
          "label": "gloss",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "Use this as your primary translation. It does not need to be English, simply a language your team is comfortable with. If your consultant often gives you multiple languages for translation you can also add addtional translations in the customized fields. For example, your Quechua informants use Spanish for translations, then you can make all Translations in Spanish, and add an additional field for English if you want to generate a handout containing the datum.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "mask": "You guys feel like yelling at the child.",
          "encryptedValue": "You guys feel like yelling at the child.",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "You guys feel like yelling at the child.",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation"
      "modifiedByUser": "public",
      "validationStatus": "CheckedWithSeberina",
      "igtCache": {
        "tuples": [
            "utterance": "Erqe",
            "morphemes": "Erqe",
            "gloss": "child"
            "utterance": "qankuna",
            "morphemes": "qan-kuna",
            "gloss": "you-PL"
            "utterance": "qaparinaywankichis",
            "morphemes": "qapari-nay-wankichis",
            "gloss": "yell-DES-3SG.2PLOM"
        "parallelText": {
          "utterance": "Erqe qankuna qaparinaywankichis",
          "translation": "You guys feel like yelling at the child."
      "maxScore": 10.979033000000001,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "goal": "This data was collected by ME Cathcart for her dissertation \"Impulsatives: The syntax and semantics of involuntary desire\" for more of her data:",
      "comments": [
          "fieldDBtype": "Comment",
          "username": "public",
          "text": "Anyone can leave messages in this corpus, its the \"Grafitti corpus\" where you can learn how the app works (ask eachother questions or answer other peoples questions, in context...)",
          "timestamp": 1380213148392,
          "dateCreated": 1380213148392,
          "version": "v5.26.21"
          "fieldDBtype": "Comment",
          "username": "quotecleaningbot",
          "text": "Hi\nJust a quick note to say that I automatically cleaned this datum. \n\nChanges:\n *  quote encoding problems `You guys feel like yelling at the child.’ -> You guys feel like yelling at the child.\n\nExplanation: I was asked by lingllama to come by and standardize quotes today. According to his corpus' convention, we don't need quotes in the translation field.",
          "timestamp": 1389642361955,
          "dateCreated": 1389642361955,
          "version": "v5.26.21"
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [
            "help": "You can use this field to be as precise as you would like about the dialect of this session.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Dialect",
            "mask": "Cusco Quechua",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Cusco Quechua",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dialect",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dialect"
            "help": "This is the langauge (or language family) if you would like to use it.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Language",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "language",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "language"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session took place.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateElicited",
            "mask": "Summer 2010",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Summer 2010",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateElicited",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateElicited"
            "help": "Put your team's data entry conventions here (if any)...",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "User",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "user",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "user"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session was entered.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateSEntered",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateSEntered",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateSEntered"
        "dateCreated": 1714651802856,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "consultants": "Lucia, Ricardo, Seberina",
      "tags": "Impulsative, Person, agreement",
      "notesFromOldDB": "no case marking?",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "89bc4d7dcc2b1fc9a7bb0f4f474a6bcd"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "Use this field to establish your team's gramaticality/acceptablity judgements (*,#,? etc)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Judgement",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "Use this as Line 1 in your examples for handouts (ie, either Orthography, or phonemic/phonetic representation)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Utterance",
          "mask": "Kichanaywan punqota",
          "encryptedValue": "Kichanaywan punqota",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "Kichanaywan punqota",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "This line is used to determine the morpheme segmentation to generate glosses, it also optionally can show up in your LaTeXed examples if you choose to show morpheme segmentation in addtion ot line 1, gloss and translation.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "mask": "Kicha-nay-wa-n punqo-ta",
          "encryptedValue": "Kicha-nay-wa-n punqo-ta",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "Kicha-nay-wa-n punqo-ta",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "highlighted": [
            "Kicha-<em>nay</em>-wa-n punqo-ta"
          "label": "morphemes",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "This line appears in the gloss line of your LaTeXed examples, we reccomend Leipzig conventions (. for fusional morphemes, - for morpehem boundaries etc) The system uses this line to partially help you in glossing.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "mask": "open-DES-1OM-3SG door-ACC",
          "encryptedValue": "open-DES-1OM-3SG door-ACC",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "open-DES-1OM-3SG door-ACC",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "highlighted": [
            "open-<em>DES</em>-1OM-3SG door-ACC"
          "label": "gloss",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "Use this as your primary translation. It does not need to be English, simply a language your team is comfortable with. If your consultant often gives you multiple languages for translation you can also add addtional translations in the customized fields. For example, your Quechua informants use Spanish for translations, then you can make all Translations in Spanish, and add an additional field for English if you want to generate a handout containing the datum.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "mask": "I feel like opening the door.",
          "encryptedValue": "I feel like opening the door.",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "I feel like opening the door.",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation"
      "validationStatus": "CheckedWithSeberina",
      "igtCache": {
        "tuples": [
            "utterance": "Kichanaywan",
            "morphemes": "Kicha-nay-wa-n",
            "gloss": "open-DES-1OM-3SG"
            "utterance": "punqota",
            "morphemes": "punqo-ta",
            "gloss": "door-ACC"
        "parallelText": {
          "utterance": "Kichanaywan punqota",
          "translation": "I feel like opening the door."
      "maxScore": 10.979033000000001,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "goal": "This data was collected by ME Cathcart for her dissertation \"Impulsatives: The syntax and semantics of involuntary desire\" for more of her data:",
      "comments": [
          "fieldDBtype": "Comment",
          "username": "quotecleaningbot",
          "text": "Hi\nJust a quick note to say that I automatically cleaned this datum. \n\nChanges:\n *  quote encoding problems `I feel like opening the door.’ -> I feel like opening the door.\n\nExplanation: I was asked by lingllama to come by and standardize quotes today. According to his corpus' convention, we don't need quotes in the translation field.",
          "timestamp": 1389642361836,
          "dateCreated": 1389642361836,
          "version": "v5.26.21"
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [
            "help": "You can use this field to be as precise as you would like about the dialect of this session.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Dialect",
            "mask": "Cusco Quechua",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Cusco Quechua",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dialect",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dialect"
            "help": "This is the langauge (or language family) if you would like to use it.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Language",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "language",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "language"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session took place.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateElicited",
            "mask": "Summer 2010",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Summer 2010",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateElicited",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateElicited"
            "help": "Put your team's data entry conventions here (if any)...",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "User",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "user",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "user"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session was entered.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateSEntered",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateSEntered",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateSEntered"
        "dateCreated": 1714651802858,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "consultants": "Lucia, Ricardo, Seberina",
      "tags": "Verbal restrictions Causative",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "89bc4d7dcc2b1fc9a7bb0f4f4747b194"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "Use this field to establish your team's gramaticality/acceptablity judgements (*,#,? etc)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Judgement",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "Use this as Line 1 in your examples for handouts (ie, either Orthography, or phonemic/phonetic representation)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Utterance",
          "mask": "Yuyapi noqata punyunaywan.",
          "encryptedValue": "Yuyapi noqata punyunaywan.",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "Yuyapi noqata punyunaywan.",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "This line is used to determine the morpheme segmentation to generate glosses, it also optionally can show up in your LaTeXed examples if you choose to show morpheme segmentation in addtion ot line 1, gloss and translation.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "mask": "Yuyapi noqa-ta punyu-nay-wa-n",
          "encryptedValue": "Yuyapi noqa-ta punyu-nay-wa-n",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "Yuyapi noqa-ta punyu-nay-wa-n",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "highlighted": [
            "Yuyapi noqa-ta punyu-<em>nay</em>-wa-n"
          "label": "morphemes",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "This line appears in the gloss line of your LaTeXed examples, we reccomend Leipzig conventions (. for fusional morphemes, - for morpehem boundaries etc) The system uses this line to partially help you in glossing.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "mask": "intensionally I-ACC sleep-DES-1OM-3SG",
          "encryptedValue": "intensionally I-ACC sleep-DES-1OM-3SG",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "intensionally I-ACC sleep-DES-1OM-3SG",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "highlighted": [
            "intensionally I-ACC sleep-<em>DES</em>-1OM-3SG"
          "label": "gloss",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "Use this as your primary translation. It does not need to be English, simply a language your team is comfortable with. If your consultant often gives you multiple languages for translation you can also add addtional translations in the customized fields. For example, your Quechua informants use Spanish for translations, then you can make all Translations in Spanish, and add an additional field for English if you want to generate a handout containing the datum.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "mask": "I feel like sleeping on purpose.",
          "encryptedValue": "I feel like sleeping on purpose.",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "I feel like sleeping on purpose.",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation"
      "validationStatus": "CheckedWithRicardo",
      "igtCache": {
        "tuples": [
            "utterance": "Yuyapi",
            "morphemes": "Yuyapi",
            "gloss": "intensionally"
            "utterance": "noqata",
            "morphemes": "noqa-ta",
            "gloss": "I-ACC"
            "utterance": "punyunaywan.",
            "morphemes": "punyu-nay-wa-n",
            "gloss": "sleep-DES-1OM-3SG"
        "parallelText": {
          "utterance": "Yuyapi noqata punyunaywan.",
          "translation": "I feel like sleeping on purpose."
      "maxScore": 10.979033000000001,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "goal": "This data was collected by ME Cathcart for her dissertation \"Impulsatives: The syntax and semantics of involuntary desire\" for more of her data:",
      "comments": [
          "fieldDBtype": "Comment",
          "username": "quotecleaningbot",
          "text": "Hi\nJust a quick note to say that I automatically cleaned this datum. \n\nChanges:\n *  quote encoding problems `I feel like sleeping on purpose.' -> I feel like sleeping on purpose.\n\nExplanation: I was asked by lingllama to come by and standardize quotes today. According to his corpus' convention, we don't need quotes in the translation field.",
          "timestamp": 1389642361654,
          "dateCreated": 1389642361654,
          "version": "v5.26.21"
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [
            "help": "You can use this field to be as precise as you would like about the dialect of this session.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Dialect",
            "mask": "Cusco Quechua",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Cusco Quechua",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dialect",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dialect"
            "help": "This is the langauge (or language family) if you would like to use it.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Language",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "language",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "language"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session took place.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateElicited",
            "mask": "Summer 2010",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Summer 2010",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateElicited",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateElicited"
            "help": "Put your team's data entry conventions here (if any)...",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "User",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "user",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "user"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session was entered.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateSEntered",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateSEntered",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateSEntered"
        "dateCreated": 1714651802860,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "consultants": "Lucia, Ricardo, Seberina",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "89bc4d7dcc2b1fc9a7bb0f4f4744f7e7"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "Use this field to establish your team's gramaticality/acceptablity judgements (*,#,? etc)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Judgement",
          "mask": "*",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "*",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "Use this as Line 1 in your examples for handouts (ie, either Orthography, or phonemic/phonetic representation)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Utterance",
          "mask": "Juanpa much'asqami kanaywan.",
          "encryptedValue": "Juanpa much'asqami kanaywan.",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "Juanpa much'asqami kanaywan.",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "This line is used to determine the morpheme segmentation to generate glosses, it also optionally can show up in your LaTeXed examples if you choose to show morpheme segmentation in addtion ot line 1, gloss and translation.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "mask": "Juanpa much'a-sqa-mi ka-nay-wa-n",
          "encryptedValue": "Juanpa much'a-sqa-mi ka-nay-wa-n",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "Juanpa much'a-sqa-mi ka-nay-wa-n",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "highlighted": [
            "Juanpa much'a-sqa-mi ka-<em>nay</em>-wa-n"
          "label": "morphemes",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "This line appears in the gloss line of your LaTeXed examples, we reccomend Leipzig conventions (. for fusional morphemes, - for morpehem boundaries etc) The system uses this line to partially help you in glossing.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "mask": "Juan.gen kiss.pass.? be-DES-1OM-3SG",
          "encryptedValue": "Juan.gen kiss.pass.? be-DES-1OM-3SG",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "Juan.gen kiss.pass.? be-DES-1OM-3SG",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "highlighted": [
            "Juan.gen kiss.pass.? be-<em>DES</em>-1OM-3SG"
          "label": "gloss",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "Use this as your primary translation. It does not need to be English, simply a language your team is comfortable with. If your consultant often gives you multiple languages for translation you can also add addtional translations in the customized fields. For example, your Quechua informants use Spanish for translations, then you can make all Translations in Spanish, and add an additional field for English if you want to generate a handout containing the datum.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "mask": "I feel like being kissed by Juan.",
          "encryptedValue": "I feel like being kissed by Juan.",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "I feel like being kissed by Juan.",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation"
      "modifiedByUser": "gina",
      "validationStatus": "Deleted, CheckedWithLucia",
      "igtCache": {
        "tuples": [
            "utterance": "Juanpa",
            "morphemes": "Juanpa",
            "gloss": "Juan.gen"
            "utterance": "much'asqami",
            "morphemes": "much'a-sqa-mi",
            "gloss": "kiss.pass.?"
            "utterance": "kanaywan.",
            "morphemes": "ka-nay-wa-n",
            "gloss": "be-DES-1OM-3SG"
        "parallelText": {
          "utterance": "Juanpa much'asqami kanaywan.",
          "translation": "I feel like being kissed by Juan."
      "maxScore": 10.979033000000001,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "comments": [
          "fieldDBtype": "Comment",
          "username": "quotecleaningbot",
          "text": "Hi\nJust a quick note to say that I automatically cleaned this datum. \n\nChanges:\n *  quote encoding problems `I feel like being kissed by Juan.’ -> I feel like being kissed by Juan.\n\nExplanation: I was asked by lingllama to come by and standardize quotes today. According to his corpus' convention, we don't need quotes in the translation field.",
          "timestamp": 1389642361614,
          "dateCreated": 1389642361614,
          "version": "v5.26.21"
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [
            "help": "You can use this field to be as precise as you would like about the dialect of this session.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Dialect",
            "mask": "Cusco Quechua",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Cusco Quechua",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dialect",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dialect"
            "help": "This is the langauge (or language family) if you would like to use it.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Language",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "language",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "language"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session took place.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateElicited",
            "mask": "5/21/2010",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "5/21/2010",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateElicited",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateElicited"
            "help": "Put your team's data entry conventions here (if any)...",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "User",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "user",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "user"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session was entered.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateSEntered",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateSEntered",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateSEntered"
        "dateCreated": 1714651802863,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "tags": "Passive",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "89bc4d7dcc2b1fc9a7bb0f4f474455d2"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "Use this field to establish your team's gramaticality/acceptablity judgements (*,#,? etc)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Judgement",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "Use this as Line 1 in your examples for handouts (ie, either Orthography, or phonemic/phonetic representation)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Utterance",
          "mask": "Suwanayki Josefina",
          "encryptedValue": "Suwanayki Josefina",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "Suwanayki Josefina",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "This line is used to determine the morpheme segmentation to generate glosses, it also optionally can show up in your LaTeXed examples if you choose to show morpheme segmentation in addtion ot line 1, gloss and translation.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "mask": "Suwa-nay-ki Josefina",
          "encryptedValue": "Suwa-nay-ki Josefina",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "Suwa-nay-ki Josefina",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "highlighted": [
            "Suwa-<em>nay</em>-ki Josefina"
          "label": "morphemes",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "This line appears in the gloss line of your LaTeXed examples, we reccomend Leipzig conventions (. for fusional morphemes, - for morpehem boundaries etc) The system uses this line to partially help you in glossing.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "mask": "steal.1-2 Josefina-NOM",
          "encryptedValue": "steal.1-2 Josefina-NOM",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "steal.1-2 Josefina-NOM",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "gloss",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "Use this as your primary translation. It does not need to be English, simply a language your team is comfortable with. If your consultant often gives you multiple languages for translation you can also add addtional translations in the customized fields. For example, your Quechua informants use Spanish for translations, then you can make all Translations in Spanish, and add an additional field for English if you want to generate a handout containing the datum.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation"
      "modifiedByUser": "public",
      "validationStatus": "CheckedWithSeberina",
      "igtCache": {
        "tuples": [
            "utterance": "Suwanayki",
            "morphemes": "Suwa-nay-ki",
            "gloss": "steal.1-2"
            "utterance": "Josefina",
            "morphemes": "Josefina",
            "gloss": "Josefina-NOM"
        "parallelText": {
          "utterance": "Suwanayki Josefina",
          "translation": ""
      "maxScore": 10.979033000000001,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "goal": "This data was collected by ME Cathcart for her dissertation \"Impulsatives: The syntax and semantics of involuntary desire\" for more of her data:",
      "comments": [
          "fieldDBtype": "Comment",
          "username": "quotecleaningbot",
          "text": "Hi\nJust a quick note to say that I automatically cleaned this datum. \n\nChanges:\n *  quote encoding problems Even tho I checked steal to have object marking, I think that naya pattern doesn’t work because it is ditransitive -> Even tho I checked steal to have object marking, I think that naya pattern doesn't work because it is ditransitive\n\nExplanation: I was asked by lingllama to come by and standardize quotes today. According to his corpus' convention, we don't need quotes in the translation field.",
          "timestamp": 1389642361981,
          "dateCreated": 1389642361981,
          "version": "v5.26.21"
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [
            "help": "You can use this field to be as precise as you would like about the dialect of this session.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Dialect",
            "mask": "Cusco Quechua",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Cusco Quechua",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dialect",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dialect"
            "help": "This is the langauge (or language family) if you would like to use it.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Language",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "language",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "language"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session took place.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateElicited",
            "mask": "Summer 2010",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Summer 2010",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateElicited",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateElicited"
            "help": "Put your team's data entry conventions here (if any)...",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "User",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "user",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "user"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session was entered.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateSEntered",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateSEntered",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateSEntered"
        "dateCreated": 1714651802865,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "consultants": "Lucia, Ricardo, Seberina",
      "tags": "Impulsative",
      "notesFromOldDB": "Even tho I checked steal to have object marking, I think that naya pattern doesn't work because it is ditransitive",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "89bc4d7dcc2b1fc9a7bb0f4f474b07e3"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "Use this field to establish your team's gramaticality/acceptablity judgements (*,#,? etc)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Judgement",
          "mask": "*",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "*",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "Use this as Line 1 in your examples for handouts (ie, either Orthography, or phonemic/phonetic representation)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Utterance",
          "mask": "Erqekunata noqayku qaparinaywanku.",
          "encryptedValue": "Erqekunata noqayku qaparinaywanku.",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "Erqekunata noqayku qaparinaywanku.",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "This line is used to determine the morpheme segmentation to generate glosses, it also optionally can show up in your LaTeXed examples if you choose to show morpheme segmentation in addtion ot line 1, gloss and translation.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "mask": "Erqe-kuna-ta noqa-yku qapari-nay-wanku",
          "encryptedValue": "Erqe-kuna-ta noqa-yku qapari-nay-wanku",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "Erqe-kuna-ta noqa-yku qapari-nay-wanku",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "highlighted": [
            "Erqe-kuna-ta noqa-yku qapari-<em>nay</em>-wanku"
          "label": "morphemes",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "This line appears in the gloss line of your LaTeXed examples, we reccomend Leipzig conventions (. for fusional morphemes, - for morpehem boundaries etc) The system uses this line to partially help you in glossing.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "mask": "child-PL-ACC 1PL.ex yell-DES-3PL.1PLexOM",
          "encryptedValue": "child-PL-ACC 1PL.ex yell-DES-3PL.1PLexOM",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "child-PL-ACC 1PL.ex yell-DES-3PL.1PLexOM",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "highlighted": [
            "child-PL-ACC 1PL.ex yell-<em>DES</em>-3PL.1PLexOM"
          "label": "gloss",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "Use this as your primary translation. It does not need to be English, simply a language your team is comfortable with. If your consultant often gives you multiple languages for translation you can also add addtional translations in the customized fields. For example, your Quechua informants use Spanish for translations, then you can make all Translations in Spanish, and add an additional field for English if you want to generate a handout containing the datum.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "mask": "We feel like yelling at the children.",
          "encryptedValue": "We feel like yelling at the children.",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "We feel like yelling at the children.",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation"
      "modifiedByUser": "public",
      "validationStatus": "CheckedWithSeberina",
      "igtCache": {
        "tuples": [
            "utterance": "Erqekunata",
            "morphemes": "Erqe-kuna-ta",
            "gloss": "child-PL-ACC"
            "utterance": "noqayku",
            "morphemes": "noqa-yku",
            "gloss": "1PL.ex"
            "utterance": "qaparinaywanku.",
            "morphemes": "qapari-nay-wanku",
            "gloss": "yell-DES-3PL.1PLexOM"
        "parallelText": {
          "utterance": "Erqekunata noqayku qaparinaywanku.",
          "translation": "We feel like yelling at the children."
      "maxScore": 10.979033000000001,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "goal": "This data was collected by ME Cathcart for her dissertation \"Impulsatives: The syntax and semantics of involuntary desire\" for more of her data:",
      "comments": [
          "fieldDBtype": "Comment",
          "username": "quotecleaningbot",
          "text": "Hi\nJust a quick note to say that I automatically cleaned this datum. \n\nChanges:\n *  quote encoding problems `We feel like yelling at the children.\" -> We feel like yelling at the children.\n\nExplanation: I was asked by lingllama to come by and standardize quotes today. According to his corpus' convention, we don't need quotes in the translation field.",
          "timestamp": 1389642361952,
          "dateCreated": 1389642361952,
          "version": "v5.26.21"
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [
            "help": "You can use this field to be as precise as you would like about the dialect of this session.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Dialect",
            "mask": "Cusco Quechua",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Cusco Quechua",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dialect",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dialect"
            "help": "This is the langauge (or language family) if you would like to use it.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Language",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "language",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "language"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session took place.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateElicited",
            "mask": "Summer 2010",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Summer 2010",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateElicited",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateElicited"
            "help": "Put your team's data entry conventions here (if any)...",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "User",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "user",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "user"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session was entered.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateSEntered",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateSEntered",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateSEntered"
        "dateCreated": 1714651802867,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "consultants": "Lucia, Ricardo, Seberina",
      "tags": "Impulsative, Person, Agreement",
      "notesFromOldDB": "backwards agreement",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "89bc4d7dcc2b1fc9a7bb0f4f474a7fb4"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "Use this field to establish your team's gramaticality/acceptablity judgements (*,#,? etc)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Judgement",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "Use this as Line 1 in your examples for handouts (ie, either Orthography, or phonemic/phonetic representation)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Utterance",
          "mask": "Manan yuyaypichu noqata punyunaywan.",
          "encryptedValue": "Manan yuyaypichu noqata punyunaywan.",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "Manan yuyaypichu noqata punyunaywan.",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "This line is used to determine the morpheme segmentation to generate glosses, it also optionally can show up in your LaTeXed examples if you choose to show morpheme segmentation in addtion ot line 1, gloss and translation.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "mask": "Manan yuyaypi-chu noqa-ta punyu-nay-wa-n",
          "encryptedValue": "Manan yuyaypi-chu noqa-ta punyu-nay-wa-n",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "Manan yuyaypi-chu noqa-ta punyu-nay-wa-n",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "highlighted": [
            "Manan yuyaypi-chu noqa-ta punyu-<em>nay</em>-wa-n"
          "label": "morphemes",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "This line appears in the gloss line of your LaTeXed examples, we reccomend Leipzig conventions (. for fusional morphemes, - for morpehem boundaries etc) The system uses this line to partially help you in glossing.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "mask": "no intentionally.not I-ACC sleep-DES-1OM-3SG",
          "encryptedValue": "no intentionally.not I-ACC sleep-DES-1OM-3SG",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "no intentionally.not I-ACC sleep-DES-1OM-3SG",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "highlighted": [
            "no intentionally.not I-ACC sleep-<em>DES</em>-1OM-3SG"
          "label": "gloss",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "Use this as your primary translation. It does not need to be English, simply a language your team is comfortable with. If your consultant often gives you multiple languages for translation you can also add addtional translations in the customized fields. For example, your Quechua informants use Spanish for translations, then you can make all Translations in Spanish, and add an additional field for English if you want to generate a handout containing the datum.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "mask": "I don't feel like falling asleep on purpose.",
          "encryptedValue": "I don't feel like falling asleep on purpose.",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "I don't feel like falling asleep on purpose.",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation"
      "validationStatus": "CheckedWithRicardo",
      "igtCache": {
        "tuples": [
            "utterance": "Manan",
            "morphemes": "Manan",
            "gloss": "no"
            "utterance": "yuyaypichu",
            "morphemes": "yuyaypi-chu",
            "gloss": "intentionally.not"
            "utterance": "noqata",
            "morphemes": "noqa-ta",
            "gloss": "I-ACC"
            "utterance": "punyunaywan.",
            "morphemes": "punyu-nay-wa-n",
            "gloss": "sleep-DES-1OM-3SG"
        "parallelText": {
          "utterance": "Manan yuyaypichu noqata punyunaywan.",
          "translation": "I don't feel like falling asleep on purpose."
      "maxScore": 10.979033000000001,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "goal": "This data was collected by ME Cathcart for her dissertation \"Impulsatives: The syntax and semantics of involuntary desire\" for more of her data:",
      "comments": [
          "fieldDBtype": "Comment",
          "username": "quotecleaningbot",
          "text": "Hi\nJust a quick note to say that I automatically cleaned this datum. \n\nChanges:\n *  quote encoding problems `I don't feel like falling asleep on purpose.' -> I don't feel like falling asleep on purpose.\n\nExplanation: I was asked by lingllama to come by and standardize quotes today. According to his corpus' convention, we don't need quotes in the translation field.",
          "timestamp": 1389642361651,
          "dateCreated": 1389642361651,
          "version": "v5.26.21"
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [
            "help": "You can use this field to be as precise as you would like about the dialect of this session.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Dialect",
            "mask": "Cusco Quechua",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Cusco Quechua",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dialect",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dialect"
            "help": "This is the langauge (or language family) if you would like to use it.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Language",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "language",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "language"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session took place.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateElicited",
            "mask": "Summer 2010",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Summer 2010",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateElicited",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateElicited"
            "help": "Put your team's data entry conventions here (if any)...",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "User",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "user",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "user"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session was entered.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateSEntered",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateSEntered",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateSEntered"
        "dateCreated": 1714651802869,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "consultants": "Lucia, Ricardo, Seberina",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "89bc4d7dcc2b1fc9a7bb0f4f4744dc68"
  "description": "Showing 50 of 57 results, you can click on any of the items to see more details to further refine your search."